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Get to know StratBoy61...  
Full Name StratBoy SixtyOne
Nickname StratBoy61 
State/Province, Country Ile-de-France   France
GD Gathering City Paris, Ile-de-France, France
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ICQ ID 33400204 
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Member Since 1/10/2006 12:20:58 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
2D openGL engine - flickering & performance Hi there, I am writing a 2D engine, and I thought that I had got the right idea to use nothing but quads to draw sprites on. The thing is that I am experiencing two behaviors that got me decided to post this message on gamedev : - F... 
Posted September 2, 2010 3:54:06 PM
OpenAL - Newbie question about sound(s) and thread(s) Hi there, I am developing a new project for the iPhone/iPad and I just started a small prototype that makes use of OpenAL. I chose OpenAL so that my prototype (written in C++) should hopefully run under Androïd, as well as any of the next devices... 
Posted August 11, 2010 11:06:51 AM
GLSL shadowmap (FrameBuffer) not working under win32... ? Hello all, Well, this might be a long shot in the dark, but I am currently facing a problem that I have a hard time tackling. A big problem that I have comes from the fact that my unique development machine (that has a dual boot win32/linux) is... 
Posted March 26, 2008 6:00:55 PM
TuxSaver - (Linux vs Windows) Screensaver Hello all, I am 99% done with my DirectX 3D screensaver. I am mainly waiting for art work, but the code is there... The screensaver features a configurable number of linux' Tux penguins suddenly investing your windows desktop. Some of them we... 
Posted April 10, 2007 11:09:33 PM
My DirectX ScreenSaver needs you ! Hello all, I am 99% done with my DirectX 3D screensaver. I am mainly waiting for art work, but the code is there... Below are some pictures that should link you to the page where the installer can be downloaded. A video (6,446KB ZIP file) can... 
Posted April 6, 2007 9:21:43 AM
HLSL issue/artifact ? Hello all, I am using a vertex shader in my demo, and to my surprise, when my model is far away from the camera, the back faces appear in the front. It is a little bit as if the code that calculates what to display (I use vertex skinning, with HL... 
Posted March 27, 2007 12:02:04 PM
Tool associating physics to 3D models ? Hi there, I was wondering if existed somehow a *generic* tool that would let one associate physics models to 3D models ? What I mean by that is that such a tool would enable one to load a 3D model (MS3D for instance) of his/her choice,... 
Posted March 27, 2007 1:16:48 AM
HLSL Point Light & D3DXVec3TransformCoord() confusion Hello, Even though I could find some information on the internet about point light in HlSL, I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong in my (simple) shader... Here is what I am using : texture g_MeshTexture; float4x4 g_mhBones[35]; fl... 
Posted November 30, 2006 2:09:39 PM
[solved]HLSL issue : BLENDINDICES & SetMatrixArray Hello all, I must be doing something wrong, because a google search for "BLENDINDICES & SetMatrixArray" returns only 5 hits... However, this is where I am now, and it kinda makes sense to me... So here it is : In order to use the GPU for... 
Posted November 26, 2006 8:02:08 PM
SOLVED - Basics of HLSL - Why DrawSubset fails with ID3DXEffect ? Hello again, Well, in my quest to understand HLSL, I just copied two projects that dealt with simple Effect files. I downloaded and ran the DirectX 9.0 sample called BasicHLSL, and the Simple Vertex & Pixel Shader (HLSL/Fx Effect File) from CodeS... 
Posted November 24, 2006 11:29:41 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
2D openGL engine - flickering & performance Hello raigan, Thank you for the tip but it is the first thing that I checked :-) I am going to try using alpha blending, because so far I have used the discard method in the fragment shader to manage transparency. I will also try to display more... 
Posted September 6, 2010 4:30:36 AM
2D openGL engine - flickering & performance The sprites are 96x96 pixels. I do not have any performance issue so far (I am not displaying as many sprites as 3,000), but I am troubled with this flickering effect. It really looks like a vertical sync problem, as it is occasional. This is why... 
Posted September 4, 2010 1:20:41 PM
2D openGL engine - flickering & performance Quote:Original post by mhagain If you're using GL_QUADS as your mode and GL_UNSIGNED_INT as your type you're not doing yourself any favours either. Switch to GL_TRIANGLES because it's native to the GPU so there's less possibility of it going throug... 
Posted September 3, 2010 3:13:32 AM
Programmer offering services [Filled] PM sent 
Posted March 9, 2009 9:02:23 AM
GLSL shadowmap (FrameBuffer) not working under win32... ? I had made a mistake while getting the Linux source code before I compiled it under windows. The good news is that there is no difference between OpenGL running under Linux or windows. I got the *right* version of the sources, recompiled them under... 
Posted March 28, 2008 4:16:00 PM
GLSL shadowmap (FrameBuffer) not working under win32... ? Hey kRogue, Thank you for your answer. I could actually update my drivers and I can now run OpenGL 2.0 applications under windows on my laptop. I did not use the driverheaven drivers/utility per se, but I ended up downloading ati_omega_xp d... 
Posted March 27, 2008 7:26:43 PM
Java disadvantages I am surprised not to read anything about the *supposedly* Java multi-platform feature. I remember back in the years, where my Java program would behave differently depending on the JVM. Sometimes it would simply crash. I could not believe th... 
Posted April 26, 2007 3:20:58 PM
Saving a HBITMAP to a file... Hi there, If you are using C++, you might want to take a look at the code code below, that I found somewhere on the internet. It is been used like so : PBITMAPINFO pbi = CreateBitmapInfoStruct(0, hSomeBitmap); CreateBMPFile(0, "MyBitma... 
Posted April 24, 2007 7:09:50 AM
TuxSaver - (Linux vs Windows) Screensaver Quote:Original post by a_insomniac (...) about a couple of minutes it went into a wild tail spin and never came out of it.I edited the links in my initial post at the top of the page. The screensaver is now finished and can be downloaded on my... 
Posted April 17, 2007 5:15:28 AM
TuxSaver - (Linux vs Windows) Screensaver Quote:Original post by microb Hi, I'd like to test it, but the links are broken (quota exceeded). Microb ( Dang ! That's so true :( Here is a mirror for it : StratBoy61 
Posted April 11, 2007 1:26:37 PM
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