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Get to know CodeFather...  
Full Name Christian Fenzl
Nickname CodeFather 
State/Province, Country Hessen   Germany
GD Gathering City Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germany
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Member Since 5/5/2006 3:55:21 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
StoneAge 2 I released StoneAge 2 at the beginning of 2006. It's a BoulderDash-Clone with some new features and the second part of my first StoneAge game which i've released 1997(!). You have to move the player to reach the exit after collecting all the treas... 
Posted May 19, 2006 12:28:53 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
StoneAge 2 Thanks for your info! It looks really unplayable... Because i never heard about that bad look from anyone else i think (and hope) that it's maybe a problem with your graphics card or driver... I know, it's the standard answer... ;) Quote:Original... 
Posted July 17, 2006 4:52:35 AM
StoneAge 2 @Marmim: PayPal and no fixed price... I thought the world is good, but... you're right! Unfortunately! @theproject: What display errors do you get? @All: Thanks a lot for your posts! I'm happy that you like the graphics, because i'm a programme... 
Posted May 26, 2006 8:01:29 AM
StoneAge 2 Now there is an english download-page available! 
Posted May 20, 2006 11:00:28 AM
StoneAge 2 @CodeImp: Yes, absolutly right! But the game itself is completly in english. I would like to translate the webpage also to english but my english is bad and i don't have enough time... ...but i have to do, i think... @Manaxter: It's DirectDraw, so... 
Posted May 20, 2006 3:19:12 AM
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