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Full Name John Sedlak
Nickname Krisc 
State/Province, Country NJ   United States
GD Gathering City Morristown, NJ, United States
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AIM ID Krisc325i 
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Current Occupation
Job Title Web Developer 
Job Description Website Developer and SharePoint Administration / Development 
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Rating 1263  (Rate this user)
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Member Since 12/4/2002 8:13:18 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
[MVC 2] Editing composite types with child complex properties? I posted this question on stack overflow and got an answer that was somewhat satisfactory. But the answer wasn't very in depth. I attempted to get the ViewModel solution to work, but it was met with an error. Essentially I have a model object l... 
Posted April 1, 2010 5:29:48 PM
Stroke / Outer Glow Shader Question I am working on a stroke shader to try and get a thin line around the edge of a rendered image. The problem is that the stroke "falloff" isn't working. It seems to be either on or off rather than a measure of any distance (for example dista... 
Posted November 12, 2008 7:57:28 AM
[ASP.NET] MasterPage, Base page class, inherited pages... I have the following setup... Master.master: - content stuff BasePage : Page - Label, ID=MainLabel - Code that does MainLabel.Text = "..." <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Master.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Content... 
Posted March 26, 2008 2:12:00 PM
Help me understand CPU/RAM/FSB... I have posted similar questions in different places and have gotten equally confusing results. Some say that you have to match the FSB with your RAM's MHZ rating and some say you don't. I have no idea who to believe anymore, hopefully someone can bri... 
Posted March 2, 2008 7:02:10 PM
Opening a file in a running application window instead a new one... I want to be able to open a file in an application and then be able to open further files from the OS into that instance of the application. I can get the process that is running and make sure that only one instance runs, but am having trou... 
Posted January 29, 2008 5:32:28 PM
Domination - A DBP 2.0 (Xna 2.0) Project I had to scratch my original game idea because a lot of the code cannot be given out yet for some very secretive reasons. Determined to get an entry in, I started on a game called Domination this past week. I decided to do this game because I lo... 
Posted January 26, 2008 5:38:25 PM
.NET Programmer for FocusedGames.Liac Project Team name: Focused Games (Unregistered), John Sedlak Project name: FocusedGames.Liac library maintained under the Juice project. Brief description: FocusedGames.Liac is a proof of concept library that is aimed at making a Language Independe... 
Posted January 21, 2008 9:08:41 AM
ASP.NET Async / Partial File / Large File Uploading I am trying to write an ASP.NET 3.5 page that takes a file from the client and stores it on the server. I want to be able to handle chunks of the file at a time to get around the post limit of the server. I can use AJAX/ASP.NET and know it is po... 
Posted December 13, 2007 12:53:44 PM
Reducing Atan2's operation into fewer instructions I have a texture being drawn to the screen with a special pixel shader. Based on two given angles, the pixel shader will output full color of the texture, or no color (Alpha = 0). The problem is that due to the nature of Lerp(blah, blah, texCoor... 
Posted December 3, 2007 6:59:41 PM
[XNA] HLSL / C# / Design Questions - Applying a material automatically. Let's say I have this level of objects. Let's say one of them is a shiny reflective ball, and another is a rough surfaced rock. When taken alone, each of these objects has different properties. The ball requires a cube map to reflect the surroun... 
Posted October 29, 2007 7:36:06 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Avoiding DLL Hell with .NET Quote:Original post by CDProp Oh, ok. Is that pretty much what you would do in this situation? Just have a team-wide standard that relative paths must match? That is what I do and it has been working well so far. I have my framework project that... 
Posted February 25, 2010 11:18:32 PM
"The New" HDR Experience I hate to be 'that guy' but it so happens that the term HDR is something very personal to me since I am also into photography. Please stop using this term for your work. While you may have been using what some would (incorrectly) call an HDR techn... 
Posted March 24, 2009 9:46:11 PM
What is, and How to Do XNA XNA can mean any of a few things. XNA is all of Microsoft's game and graphics division, including the XNA Framework and DirectX. The XNA Framework is one thing you can use to develop games for Windows, Zune and/or the 360. To use XNA FX, visi... 
Posted October 16, 2008 10:40:13 PM
C# ? SlimDX, XNA XNA has a lot more than just rendering since it also ties into the Xbox Live core including gamer profiles, Live networking, etc. 
Posted October 16, 2008 9:34:23 PM
*---- NOTES REGARDING FORUM NAME CHANGE ----* Thanks for the name change! :D 
Posted May 25, 2008 4:33:24 PM
InteliShade 2008 HLSL Add-on Awesome work man! 
Posted May 1, 2008 10:40:03 PM
[ASP.NET] MasterPage, Base page class, inherited pages... Well, I found out that when using a label it creates a span in the html which is illegal since it contains divs. So I went another route. I now have a div in the master file with a runat="server" tag so I can set the inner html from the code. 
Posted March 29, 2008 12:55:19 PM
Help me understand CPU/RAM/FSB... I don't really see the necessity of 10k drives. They are loud and expensive. I rather buy a reliable low cost solution and wait for SSD drives to come down in price. Thanks for the help fellas. I went with a Q6600 and 4gb of DDR2 800. I simply cou... 
Posted March 3, 2008 3:15:50 PM
Help me understand CPU/RAM/FSB... Ok, but it seems that DDR2 doesn't go to 1333, unless I am misunderstanding the naming scheme. So does that mean to get 1333mhz I need to goto DDR3? Edit... Like this motherboard here which says it supports 1600mhz/1333mhz but also states it wants... 
Posted March 2, 2008 7:13:25 PM
How to validate file path and check file type? System.IO.File.Exists(path) will work for the first one. You can also use methods in System.IO.Path like System.IO.Path.GetDirectory(). You can also get the extension that way. To find out if the file is a plain text file, you would probably... 
Posted January 29, 2008 10:33:14 PM
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