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Member Since 7/6/2006 9:51:31 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Ray tracer performance Hi, i am mading a real time ray tracer just for fun, when i get an idea i adding it to the code, sometimes i making some bugfixes in it. After a few years ago (when cpu's that can run it smoothly being invented :D) i will add it to my existing game e... 
Posted June 17, 2010 2:34:48 PM
TitaniumGL, opengl multiwrapper for your game (opengl,d3d,multicore soft-render) This tool can be very usefull for some developers, so i post it here, i hope this is the right place, becouse i dont want to spam. Let me introduct TitaniumGL: TitaniumGL is a multiwrapper to your application, targetted developers who are deve... 
Posted April 3, 2010 10:23:25 AM
3NITRO engine small techdemos Images from my engine. Features: -OpenGL -Win32/Linux -Its not using shaders. -Cell shading (soft) -Motion Blur (soft) -HDR/Bloom (soft) -Overbright (soft) -Reflections ..stb.. first techdemo and later techdemos will be available to do... 
Posted July 12, 2006 1:33:36 AM
CPUslowemu CPUslowemu is a tool that created primarily to help you in application development. CPUslowemu can emulate the speed a lot of common older cpu-s, without making bounce in the cpu load. CPUslowemu is FREEWARE. screenshot: 
Posted October 24, 2008 7:58:56 PM
Japanese vs Hungarian engine competition If you want to join, please DO NOT post it here. Contact directly me at: MSN: gerilegend (no-spam) freemail (no-spam) hu ICQ: 428333374 YAHOO: gerilgfx please note, this compo is only for hungarian and japanese persons. -------------... 
Posted June 7, 2007 7:55:11 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
FreeGLUT Game Mode Problem Hi. I got the same problem. I use the precompiled gcc binaries. 2.6 and 2.4 is both affected. I used openglut before, but now i tryed to freeglut too, becouse openglut does not supports antialiasing properly. I am using freeglut under linux too, but... 
Posted November 19, 2010 9:08:05 AM
Bad Jokes char charmander[]="char";  
Posted August 24, 2010 3:26:18 PM
Ray tracer performance some new shot: i rendered it with bigger res too 
Posted June 20, 2010 9:22:51 AM
Ray tracer performance i tested your code on my pentium4 laptop succesfully, it rund on 1-4 fps on its default window size. 
Posted June 18, 2010 5:02:02 PM
Ray tracer performance if this case, i will try it on my p4 laptop, that has sse2. (btw this K7-s are survivors, like the old 400 celerons was in theyr time, you should support them ;) ) 
Posted June 18, 2010 2:02:06 PM
Ray tracer performance same crash. applog contains just this: Logging started.  
Posted June 18, 2010 8:42:55 AM
Ray tracer performance Thanks for your reply. What GPU is needed to your software to reach 30 fps in 800x800? (ps i wanted to check the benchmark on your page ,,Arauna benchmark’ but it drwatson'd at my computer: 2x1666 amd k7/msi k7d/1 gbyte ram/xp sp3/radeo... 
Posted June 18, 2010 3:30:07 AM
TitaniumGL, opengl multiwrapper for your game (opengl,d3d,multicore soft-render) You just compared a game engine (ogre3d) with a rendering api (opengl). Your oppinion is pointless. Your inrofmations about 3dlabs cards are also deficient, there are several 3dlabs card who supports d3d acceleration. (the ones who are not su... 
Posted June 5, 2010 9:17:11 AM
TitaniumGL, opengl multiwrapper for your game (opengl,d3d,multicore soft-render) new version, 2010/06/01 out. Some missing texture formats added. A bug, related to display list, fixed. war3 in opengl mode, wrapped to d3d 
Posted June 1, 2010 2:48:15 PM
Sailor Moon Dating Simulator 4 i translated the 5. file too, but i am now must wayt to my notebook adapter to recive on post, becouse i killed it :| 
Posted May 8, 2010 4:16:31 PM
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