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Nickname LaneGresham 
State/Province, Country OR   United States
GD Gathering City Klamath Falls, OR, United States
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Member Since 7/26/2005 12:19:54 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Lane Gresham: Senior Project Hello my name is Lane Gresham, I’m currently going to school at OIT, Oregon Institute of Technology getting my bachelors degree in software engineering. For my senior project I developed a game, Units of World War 2. The game is pretty simple, users... 
Posted July 13, 2006 1:34:28 PM
?! Making a Mesh Glow !? does anybody know how to make a mesh glow in directx 9, in C#? -Lane 
Posted May 7, 2006 2:02:19 AM
Help: Mesh vector location? /*This is in a RenderWorld class that I made for a game im making. Im having a problem with picking/setting a vector location with in the mesh, the mesh in the code, under the Obj.Mesh down below. If some one can help me findout how to get the m... 
Posted March 11, 2006 11:24:56 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Lane Gresham: Senior Project Yes it is done to the requirements needed for my senior project, I still need to make an install, which should'nt take long. Onces I make the install ill post a link. [Edited by - LaneGresham on July 14, 2006 1:28:33 AM] 
Posted July 13, 2006 11:28:30 PM
Lane Gresham: Senior Project LOL, thx ;) i do tend to type to fast 
Posted July 13, 2006 3:58:15 PM
Help: Mesh vector location? Yes model is my own class, I just figured it out lastnight! i needed a device for each of my meshs to change the location. it was somthing like this: int x = 0,y = 0,z = 0; myLandMesh.deviceRef.Transform.World = Matrix.Translation(x, z, y); "m... 
Posted March 12, 2006 5:15:13 PM
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