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Nickname d53a4 
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GD Gathering City Nona, TX, United States
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Member Since 3/6/2007 4:36:31 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
MotorEngine "PRE" (v0.1.0) Released! MotorEngine "PRE" (v0.1.0) Released!Posted by: d53a4 at January 30, 2008 11:25:31 PMMotorEngine is an easy to use, modern, cross platform and open source game engine. This is the first public release of MotorEngine. This release defines general en... 
Posted January 30, 2008 11:25:31 PM
DeadEND Episode I Screenshots from our new game DeadEND Episode I. Additional info you can find at 
Posted March 6, 2007 11:10:59 PM
DeadEND Episode I Hello! We have released our second project. You can check it out at Here comes some screenshots from it: I want to know what we've missed in 1st episode and what you want to see in 2nd episode. Best wishes, d... 
Posted March 6, 2007 4:57:01 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
MotorEngine "PRE" (v0.1.0) Released! Thanks for comments. I'll investigate these problems. Especially one with singletons. Maybe it's better to get rid of them? And maybe not... It really depends on how to use them. And while the project is relatively young it may not seem as... 
Posted February 1, 2008 4:09:40 PM
DeadEND Episode I Thanks again! We've fixed all problems with our hoster. Now you can take a look at our demo. You'll find it on d53a4 software site. You're welcome! 
Posted March 13, 2007 7:42:06 AM
DeadEND Episode I We've fixed all problems with our hoster. Now our site is working. You're welcome! 
Posted March 13, 2007 7:37:29 AM
DeadEND Episode I Sorry, we've got terrible problems with our hoster :( Please check it out few days later. 
Posted March 9, 2007 3:15:04 PM
DeadEND Episode I Thanks to everyone! I think we need to change our hoster :( I'm sorry for inconvenience. Please try link few days later. 
Posted March 9, 2007 3:05:43 PM
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