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Member Since 3/15/2000 2:45:04 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
finding Publishers Hi everyone, I'm tryng to find a list of publishers, not casuals, not top AAA games, but let's say middle games. I'm having a hard time finding this., so far I have this small list : -Focus Interactive -Stardock -Paradox Entertainment -Jowo... 
Posted November 16, 2010 2:09:58 PM
Minimized Window won't wake up Hey everyone, Is there a way to find is a application is locked in the taskbar somehow ? I'm going to try to give some history on what is happening. I'm developing a game with TGB (Torque Game Builder), and the game when changing resolution... 
Posted August 31, 2010 5:12:42 PM
DX9.0 Hey everyone, I'm not a Direct3D user, so this is probably a really stupid question, but please bare with me. Let's imagine I'm compiling my game with DirectX 9.0c. A user that has the simple DX9.0 , will it be able to run my game ? Is DX9.0c b... 
Posted April 23, 2010 3:16:16 PM
video sdk Hey everyone, Does anyone know if there is some video playback library sdk, besides Bink ? thanks, Bruno 
Posted April 22, 2010 5:26:01 PM
RTS or 4X ? What's your favourite ? Hey everyone, I was hoping to get some feedback of people that play strategy games :) I'm working on a strategy game, and i'm right now wondering if the right path is go torwards a more Sins of a Solar Empire kind of game, or a more standard... 
Posted March 31, 2010 2:04:28 PM
Christmas in Lisbon Airoport I had to post this, it's awasome :) 
Posted December 26, 2009 6:36:11 AM
Isometric view.., from Arrays to Isometric view Hi everyone, I starting a little project, where i need to render a isometric map. Each tile, has a size of (58x58), and for this, i just have a 2 dimensions array, and works nice. However, i now want to have the possibilitie of having for exampl... 
Posted December 10, 2009 3:43:36 PM
moving torwards a point Hi, Please take a look at the following image : I'm tryng to make my units move like in that pic, however i have no clue where to start. If my unit is facing the black direction line, she woul... 
Posted September 13, 2009 10:11:41 AM
rts unit steering Hi, I'm working on a rts (space based), so i don't have a need of pathfinding. I just move the units to the target, and that's it. However, i need a way, that units don't fly trough each other, some way for them to avoid each other. For ex... 
Posted September 11, 2009 7:25:31 PM
DVDi games Hi, Does anyone know anything about games that are made in DVD's, to be played on normal tv's just using a normal DVD player ? The so called DVDi TV Games ? I've been browsing but i can't find anything about this, how to make them, no sdk's... 
Posted January 13, 2009 4:09:44 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Starfall Frontier - A New Sci-Fi Strategy Game! Hey guys, I really wanted to check the game, however, what's with all this facebook games that to even see them, you need to give permission to send you junk to you email adress ? Each time I want to try a game, i see this request, and everytime... 
Posted December 25, 2010 1:35:23 PM
finding Publishers Yeah, that's usually the diference between Publishers and Distributors, funding :) 
Posted November 16, 2010 6:35:42 PM
finding Publishers Thanks Sirisian, I know about Steam, but I meant Publishers no Distributors :)  
Posted November 16, 2010 2:58:16 PM
RTS or 4X ? What's your favourite ? Yes, one of the problems of Space Games it's exactly the game design. Space is void, so you have to come up with natural obstacles to replace the mountains or rivers on earth. We are going to use gas clouds of diferent types, that block shi... 
Posted March 31, 2010 3:25:26 PM
The Daily hmm, what are you talking about ? You can write shaders in Unity, and you do have shadows. Quote:Original post by BLiTZWiNG Brett Seyler goes to great lengths to show how Torque is better than Unity, then jumps ship. Hmmmmm. Proof. Pudding? Gr... 
Posted January 7, 2010 5:59:26 AM
Isometric view.., from Arrays to Isometric view Hi, Thanks Wyrframe. My tiles are isometric, it's basically tiles to build a city, a isometric city. The problem is i have buildings have are 1x1x1 tile (widthxlenghtxheight), so (58x58x1) and other tiles where buildings are bigger, like 3x2x2 (... 
Posted December 11, 2009 2:59:52 AM
Composer Jeff Broadbent - Latest News Nice musics, but, just wondering. Why are you advertising in the name of this Jeff ? 
Posted December 10, 2009 7:19:50 PM
moving torwards a point Thanks guys :) You were very helpfull, it made me see the "light", got it all working :)  
Posted September 15, 2009 11:54:15 PM
UEFA Euro Cup 2008 Go Russia !!!! What a game 
Posted June 21, 2008 4:41:56 PM
UEFA Euro Cup 2008 Holland turn to be in problems with a weaker team, lol What a weird championship 
Posted June 21, 2008 3:55:14 PM
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