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Member Since 8/5/2007 4:47:49 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Oren Game Engine #3 hi all this is my third post about my game engine, i'm still adding new things and i'm very happy with the progress. my blog get updated once a week or such: few things i'v added since: 1. NVidia PhysX Integration 2. Ragdoll physics 3. SSA... 
Posted February 4, 2009 10:48:10 AM
SSAO seems strange, help needed... hi i created SSAO effect but its seems very strange, i hope that some one will tell me whats wrong because i cant see any problem with my code. first i see the edges of the triangles popping out second, there is white line at the corners, whe... 
Posted July 15, 2008 6:31:36 AM
Oren Game Engine #2 Hi, i thought it will be nice to put some new pictures from my game engine and see what you think about it. some of the major features are: 1. In house rigid body physics 2. Dynamic obstacles avoidance (AI) 3. HUD 4. Weapons handling and effects... 
Posted March 26, 2008 1:39:50 PM
Oren Game Engine Screen shots from my game engine i have worked on for couple of months, the game engine uses id doom3/quake4 data such as: AAS file - for the ai awareness system CM file - for collision detection PROC - for level data, precomputed stuff MAP... 
Posted August 6, 2007 8:11:10 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Sky Rendering hi, as far as i know crysis using the method described in gpu gems 2 check it here:  
Posted March 19, 2009 5:00:35 PM
Oren Game Engine #3 hi thanks for replaying :) PolyVox: i saw it at starcraft ii presentation sebh: thanks! dgreen: your project also looks g8, you have great weapon models, i wish i had that too... 
Posted February 7, 2009 6:32:19 AM
SSAO seems strange, help needed... ok, fixed the corner and also found the depth error it seems that when i output: length( it creates the sphere shape and the depth info isn't correct. so now my depth shader look like this: // Vertex shader output structure /... 
Posted July 19, 2008 10:41:14 AM
SSAO seems strange, help needed... hi i seems the corner was not the problem at the first place, the depth generation is the problem. what i'v done is setup the corners in normal attribute like agi said, and use it, then i saw its the same like i had before, no gradient depth in 'se... 
Posted July 18, 2008 1:55:04 PM
SSAO seems strange, help needed... ok, thanks (agi, mjp) i think i have some material to work with ;) i try it out in hope it will fix the problem  
Posted July 17, 2008 11:15:39 AM
SSAO seems strange, help needed... hi i can see the problem now, no gradient of depth that i could see, its just the same as the 'se' i'm using my own engine, so i need to make my own functions. 1. what exactly the function 'getFrustumCorners' do? is it calculate the 8 vertices pos... 
Posted July 17, 2008 9:52:32 AM
SSAO seems strange, help needed... can you show me how your textures looks like (se, corner, normal)? 
Posted July 17, 2008 8:25:08 AM
SSAO seems strange, help needed... hi yes i know what you mean ;) 0. my units is inches (i'm using q4 editor - they use inches) 1. se.xyzz <br/>By orenk2k at 2008-07-17 2. In.vViewDirToFrustumCorner.xyzz - look the same as 1 3. normal.xyzz <br/>By orenk2k at 2... 
Posted July 17, 2008 7:35:17 AM
SSAO seems strange, help needed... Quote:Original post by agi_shi I can't see any obvious errors, but: 1) why does finalColor += 1.0 / (1.0f + (occlusion * occlusion) * 0.1); have that multiply by 0.1? What if you remove it? 2) for the depth shader, what happens if you interpo... 
Posted July 16, 2008 3:06:21 AM
Oren Game Engine #2 Quote:Original post by mikeman Hey, very impressive work! One question: How do you manage to make the shadows so soft? What do you use? PCF? Do you take multiple samples in the shadow map? Or another technique? I'm asking because I'm interested m... 
Posted April 6, 2008 10:29:44 AM
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