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Nickname Funkiemonkey 
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Member Since 5/23/2006 6:51:56 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Rendering text to an image texture Ok, So I'm using managed direct x *puke* and I'm trying to load an image to use as a background and render some text over the top. The idea is that this will be a single texture which is then applied to the back of a mesh. So far I am able to r... 
Posted March 2, 2010 10:03:51 AM
How are sprites implemented in DirectX? Ok, this is probably the most noobish question I've asked on a forum, but for the life of me I just can't work it out or find anything to the depth I'm after on blogs / documentation site etc. The question is, how are sprites implemented... 
Posted February 26, 2010 10:34:11 AM
GUI Polymorphism.. Grr! I'm kinda stuck and have a question regarding GUI class design. I'll give you the header file to my class, but before you read it, I know it probably isnt the most elegant/beautiful/efficent, but it works!... Kinda! :) The problem I have with it h... 
Posted February 1, 2007 4:30:16 PM
Problems with .x animations and timer bars Heya Heres a challenge for all you Direct X ledgends! I've implemented a few .x animation classes using the approach found on ( which involves the use of D3DXLoadMeshHier... 
Posted January 30, 2007 3:28:52 PM
Resource issues with viewports in DirectX Hey, I'm creating an interface in Direct X which requires multiple (3) views of an object. The question I have it is how resource consuming an implementation of the viewport functions in DirectX would be. For example, would an implementation of three... 
Posted November 20, 2006 10:11:27 AM
Puzzle game Hey, Just wondering if I can have some input from you DX masters! I've been working on this game for about a week (around five hours a day). Its a puzzle game where you link adjacent letters to make words. When you submit them they dissape... 
Posted May 23, 2006 11:55:15 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Rendering text to an image texture Hi, Thanks for the ideas, I'll give em a try, and thanks for the heads up about the tag! :) 
Posted March 3, 2010 9:00:50 AM
How are sprites implemented in DirectX? Excellent, that all makes sense now, thanks a lot for the explanations! I really hate it when something you used to understand slips in your mind and gets lost somewhere.... Probably in the same place as the missing socks! Thanks again anywa... 
Posted February 26, 2010 12:02:31 PM
How are sprites implemented in DirectX? Hey, thanks a lot for the reply. That seems to makes sense! So if its essentially a vertex buffer, why don't they offer methods or properties to size it? I.e. set the x/y coords of the vertexes? Would this not resize the texture to fit or is there... 
Posted February 26, 2010 11:25:30 AM
GUI Polymorphism.. Grr! Yeah, your probably right, I had a thought about doing that but I've just learnt about virtual functions and stuff and really like em in my code. Just wondered if there was away around. Ah well! :) So what happens in GUI which has extensible widge... 
Posted February 1, 2007 4:58:18 PM
Problems with .x animations and timer bars Yeah, GetPeriod() returns the duration of the animation which is what I needed :) Only one problem now tho: I can advance time and play the animation fowards using AdvanceTime() but how would you go about playing the animation backwards, eff... 
Posted January 30, 2007 5:34:23 PM
Problems with .x animations and timer bars Yeah, that might work, thanks. I've also found ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet::GetPeriod() From MSDN: ----- Syntax DOUBLE GetPeriod(VOID); Return Value Period of the animation set. Remarks The period is the range of time that the... 
Posted January 30, 2007 4:52:39 PM
Problems with .x animations and timer bars Wow, what bad english, maybe I should proof read next time! :) When I wrote "which means it renders the frames created in 3ds max no longer exist" I actually meant "which means the frames created in 3ds max no longer exist" 
Posted January 30, 2007 3:31:40 PM
Resource issues with viewports in DirectX Cool, thanks very much everyone! :) Andy 
Posted November 21, 2006 7:49:00 AM
Puzzle game Quote:Original post by escotia Hey Andy, Love the screenshots. Had us giggling away here at Bigfizz. You've done a great job of recreating it all. Very impressive for a weeks work. As someone points out, you want to weight the grid's le... 
Posted May 29, 2006 11:40:03 AM
Puzzle game Quote:Original post by streamer I changed res to 1024 768 and works [smile] You should look your code 'cos something is wrong [smile] Any chance that you put dx release exe on your webpage or in zip? I would like to show game to my girlfriend... 
Posted May 25, 2006 5:58:53 AM
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