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Nickname Ingrater 
State/Province, Country Baden-Wurttemberg   Germany
GD Gathering City Schwabisch gmund, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
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Member Since 12/31/2006 5:51:46 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
NE.S.W.A.K.TE.K. Currently im creating a game Engine together with a friend for learning porpuses and fun. Because I read the article "Write games not engines" I decided to write a small tetris game with our engine to test the mechanics. During this process I found m... 
Posted April 12, 2009 10:15:29 PM
[WinApi] Ways of wirting to a usb device What ways are there to write to a usb device using the winapi? I know of the CreateFile, WriteFile method if you have the correct device name. Are there ways which don't use the CreateFile api call? 
Posted October 11, 2009 2:10:21 PM
Winamp vis plugin beat detection Hi, I'm currently trying to implement a beat detection algorithm for my winamp visualization plugin. I used this paper form gamedev and implemented the "Frequency selected sou... 
Posted September 26, 2009 10:18:30 AM
Listen to what is read / write to a usb device Is there a way to somehow listen to the information that is written / read from a usb device? I need it to reverse engineer a unkown but I think rather simple protocol. 
Posted September 15, 2009 10:31:04 AM
GPU-Based Geometry Clipmaps Transition I'm currently implementing GPU-Based Geometry Clipmaps after the paper in GPU Gems 2. I have a working implementation so far but currently I'm not able to implement the transitions between to different lod levels. I don't understand the principle beh... 
Posted September 9, 2009 2:22:19 PM
boost::thread and exceptions c++ As far as I read in the boost documentation it is safe to use exceptions in threads as long as they are catched in the same thread. So I wrote this small test Programm, but it crashes for me (mingw gcc 3.4.5, boost 1.36) #include <boost/thread/... 
Posted February 26, 2009 6:27:56 PM
Crash on Exception stack unwinding (C++) Currently I've got a mutli threaded application that uses lua in multiple threads. For each thread a sparate lua state is created and used. I've compiled lua as a c++ libary so it uses exceptions instead of longjmp/setjmp. The problem now is, that i... 
Posted February 25, 2009 12:49:51 AM
[partly solved]Error pixels in Parralax occulsion shader I tried to write a parrallax occulsion shader in ATI's Rendermonkey and GLSL. It does work so far but unfortunately some Error pixels show up in some cases and I have no clue why. A screen can be found here: 
Posted March 24, 2008 10:00:01 AM
Rendering into 3D Texture I want to render into an 3D Texure. I want to split into slices each z-plane a time. (like in the Nvidia Demo Cascades) Now I'm wondering which is the right way to do. 1. Create for each slice a new FBO 2. Create on FBO add each Slice as a... 
Posted March 4, 2008 2:50:33 PM
OpenGL "Wald" Demo finished I wrote this small demo in the past year or so, don't really know any more when I started. During this time I developed my OpenGL and C++ Skills and rewrote certain parts of my small framwork countless Times. Finally I want to start on my first... 
Posted February 14, 2008 11:11:23 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
[WinApi] Ways of wirting to a usb device I just wanted to record all data which is send from a certain aplication to a certain usb device. I thougt that I'm allowed to do that as I'm also allowed to record the data output of my radio. Am I mistaken? Would it be legal if I found out the p... 
Posted October 12, 2009 7:14:53 AM
[WinApi] Ways of wirting to a usb device And all other methods invoke CreateFile WriteFile? Because I hooked a app which is writing to a usb device. With a older version of the app it worked. But after a update it seems that the app is not longer using CreateFile / WriteFile for writing... 
Posted October 11, 2009 4:03:10 PM
Listen to what is read / write to a usb device Well then whats the protocll for communicating with the AlienFX controller build into each alienware laptop of the mx15 and mx17 series? 
Posted September 16, 2009 4:39:27 AM
Listen to what is read / write to a usb device The problem is not to read or write to a usb port. I want to hear what another app is reading / wirting to an ceration usb device so I can monitor those packets and reverse engineer the protocol which is needed for the usb device. 
Posted September 15, 2009 11:09:21 AM
GPU-Based Geometry Clipmaps Transition That makes sence. Thanks for enlightening me. Regards Ingrater 
Posted September 10, 2009 1:43:27 AM
picogen 0.2: Funeral, Pt. 2 Great app, just tried it. are you planning to implement multi-core support? 
Posted July 11, 2009 4:35:06 AM
NE.S.W.A.K.TE.K. We plan on creating a multiplayer bomberman clone next. Personally I had the feeling during developing the game, that the workflow was better than with c++. Because there was no need to compile anything finding and correcting errors and bugs wa... 
Posted April 13, 2009 7:26:21 PM
GLSL Forced into Software The only software fallbacks I ever noticed was on ATI cards. And then the framerate didn't drop only half id did drop to about 0.5 fps. Is the window of your application larger than in the applications you tested the shader? If so mayb... 
Posted March 18, 2009 11:24:34 AM
Linear depth buffer question You can simply compute the linear depth with this function float LinearDepth(in float depth){ return (2.0 * Near) / (Far + Near - depth * (Far - Near)); } Near is the value of the near clipping plane, far for the far clipping plane. The l... 
Posted March 1, 2009 3:23:51 AM
boost::thread and exceptions c++ I've found out, that I've linked a lib to the app (lua) that was not compiled with the -mthreads option. So the threadsafe exception handling could not be enabled. After I removed the lib from the linking process everything worked fine. 
Posted February 27, 2009 9:36:33 AM
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