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Get to know AriusMyst...  
Full Name Geoff Wilson
Nickname AriusMyst 
State/Province, Country Somerset   United Kingdom
GD Gathering City Bridgwater, Somerset, United Kingdom
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Member Since 2/26/2008 12:58:11 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Geometry Instancing API Hello, I'm trying to draw up a comparison between constants based instancing and hardware based instancing. The middleware engine I frequently use has constants based support and I'm trying to write up a hardware based class for it's community to... 
Posted June 17, 2009 7:05:51 AM
FBX SDK and Direct3D10 Not sure if this belongs here or in another section. I've just posted this on the area forum but thought I'd post it here as Autodesk's forum seems a little dead. I'm hoping someone here uses the FBX SDK and can help me out. The problem is in bu... 
Posted November 3, 2008 8:03:04 AM
Unresolved external symbol.. ? This is confusing me a bit. I've written up some classes whilst I am learning D3D10. I decided to make a clean project. So I moved my classes into a directory, started a new project and added the directory as an additional library path. But now whene... 
Posted October 5, 2008 10:30:54 PM
D3D10 Semantic debug error Hello, I've started tinkering around in D3D10 and so far am having a nice time. But I've hit a snag. I keep getting the following error: D3D10: CORRUPTION: ID3D10Device::CreateInputLayout: Semantic name cannot be NULL (or pointer is corrupt).... 
Posted September 29, 2008 3:10:36 AM
Another SSAO thread. Hello, I'm having some serious trouble getting this to work. I know you all must be sick and tired of SSAO questions, I have searched the forum and read as many of the related threads as I could find. I've also googled, downloaded samples etc. Aft... 
Posted June 10, 2008 10:44:41 AM
Generic Refraction This is a generic refraction method which is based almost completely on Tiago Sousa's(CryTek) write up from GPU Gems 2. I've no doubt this method has been posted before, but I haven't had anything cool to show since I moved to DirectX a month or... 
Posted March 26, 2008 1:39:37 PM
Odd error.... Hello, I've run in to a snag. Whenever running my application(2008 Exp) it breaks with a dialog that states "There is no source code available for the current location". This occurs on a line whereby I am loading an X file. Room->Init... 
Posted March 14, 2008 12:44:29 AM
[DX9] About lost devices... Hello, I've added some code to catch when the device is lost. An it is working. The problem is that I'm loosing my texture( I only have one in the scene, drawn to the screen using a sprite ). Now, as I understand it this is normal when u... 
Posted March 6, 2008 10:10:02 AM
Ticking movement Hey, I'm trying to get an accurate account of the time passed rendering each frame - so that I can scale my translations. I currently have, as a timer, this: class pixieTimer { protected: //---Vars------------------------------------------... 
Posted February 29, 2008 1:34:23 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Geometry Instancing API I can't believe I forgot the shader. float4x4 w; //World. float4x4 v; //View. float4x4 p; //Projection. texture d; //Diffuse/Colour texture map. sampler2D ds = sampler_state { Texture = (d); MIPFILTER = LINEAR; MAGFILTER = LINEA... 
Posted June 21, 2009 2:23:35 AM
Obama or McCain? All I heard tonight was "You suck." - "No, you suck.". Which at least made a welcome change from 2004's "You suck." - "Well, you may have a point, but you don't need to say it so often *sob* *sob*". I don't really know much about US domestic polic... 
Posted October 8, 2008 12:24:20 AM
Unresolved external symbol.. ? That works, guess I'm going to have read up on creating .libs. Thanks deadstar. :) 
Posted October 5, 2008 10:56:28 PM
how much does endorphine/euphoria cost? You can download free learning editions here: 
Posted October 3, 2008 9:34:03 PM
D3D10 Semantic debug error Quote:Original post by Adam_42 Just spotted something else with that data. The tangent is wrapped in round brackets while the other lines are in curly ones. That will make a big mess of the tangent data as it will combine it all into one w... 
Posted September 29, 2008 12:45:07 PM
D3D10 Semantic debug error Well spotted. Unfortunately it hasn't solved my problem, nor has D3D10_APPEND_ALIGNED_ELEMENT. It works if I don't attempt to pass tangent information so I'm pretty sure the shader itself is clean, but I'll post just in case. matrix World; ma... 
Posted September 29, 2008 5:45:41 AM
Curious about XBox 360 and "XNA" Just as a sidenote. You will need express 2005 and not 2008( unless you use XNA3 which I beleive is still in beta ). I kind of like using XNA with my 360, my only complaint is that the internet connection must be maintained( not the network conn... 
Posted September 29, 2008 4:14:36 AM
Another SSAO thread. Yes, you shouldn't be texturing anything( apart from your quad ). It's post-processing shader. Here is the 4 that I have. Although, I still don't have the bias in. Depth: float4x4 World : WORLDVIEW; float4x4 wViewProj:... 
Posted June 14, 2008 8:29:28 AM
Another SSAO thread. Well, you're doing it differently to me. But if you notice in the one I posted, I am grabbing the depth from world space - not world view projection space. Maybe there is something in that. Good luck :D. 
Posted June 13, 2008 1:02:31 AM
Another SSAO thread. Ahh yes, I understand now. I was being dense. Thanks again Agi, you've been very helpful :). 
Posted June 12, 2008 4:51:50 PM
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