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Get to know Yezu...  
Full Name Leszek Szczepański
Nickname Yezu 
State/Province, Country Gdansk   Poland
GD Gathering City Gdynia, Gdansk, Poland
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Job Title Junior Game Developer 
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Member Since 10/11/2006 2:59:39 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Game Server Framework Hi! I'm trying to develop an multitplayer space trading sim. I'm looking for some kind of a free framework that could make writing the server easier. I've found so far Red Dwarf and Cubeia Firebase. Does anyone of You have more suggestions? (Goog... 
Posted November 4, 2010 10:53:23 AM
[SDL] Joystick axis problem and crash. Hello! I've been trying to add joystick/joypad support to my app. However I have ran into some problems. I test this with a "dualshock" type of gamepad. All of the buttons work correctly. The analogues and the d-pad are recognized as axes. Th... 
Posted June 23, 2010 6:34:12 AM
SMPEG file format Hi! I have implemented a vide player using SMPEG. However I cannot seem to find a proper file format it can play. I found one short movie on the web which plays, but all my created an MPEG-1 files only produce a black screen. Howev... 
Posted August 14, 2009 11:29:52 AM
Shared Libraries Problem... Hi! I'm totally lost when it comes to shared libraries on Linux. I know that on win32, when I put the .dll file in the same folder as the executable it will be found and used. How do I achieve same functionality with .so files on L... 
Posted June 13, 2008 6:39:56 AM
Beyond the demo... Hello! I've got a question that has been bothering me for some time. I'm a IT student. I recently also got a job at game porting company. So currently I'm getting some foothold in the game biz. The thing is that I want to start something on m... 
Posted April 3, 2008 10:09:44 AM
(J2ME) getResourceAsStream alternative, accesing files in jar I have a problem with Motorola V180. getResourceAsStream() doesn't seem to work correctly on this phone. Is there another method to access a file inside the .jar archive? I thought of using InputConnection, but I am not sure how it should be... 
Posted January 17, 2008 4:52:26 AM
GLUT + Allegro? I'm making a simple game using GLUT. Everything has been ok, but I realized that the function glutJoystickFunc does not really work under *nix systems. As I would really like a joypad support I thought of using the Allegro library solely for that pur... 
Posted November 7, 2007 8:42:29 PM
Yet another OpenGL Heightmap Viewer - Amon. GLAmon is a larger project on which I have been working lately. It is planned as a 3d cRPG. This program is the first working part of the game. It is a (pretty much) complete outdoor enviroment engine ('physicsless' though :P). The engine has... 
Posted April 9, 2007 1:31:35 AM
OpenGL(GLUT) and video files During with my struggles with OpenGL game programming, I came across with a problem. In my game I want to be able to play a video file (with sound) (an intro, cutscene whatever). Well OpenGL alone does not make it possible. The thing is one of... 
Posted April 10, 2007 11:46:20 AM
A simple windows registry question. I would like to associate my program with a filetype. It would be launched simply "prog.exe file.ahm". I found an install creator that enables me to add a registry key during installation. However I dont't know what to write there to associate a... 
Posted April 6, 2007 6:32:39 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
[SDL] Joystick axis problem and crash. The gamepad doesn't have select and start. Buttons 9 and 10 instead. However pushing that combination doesn't do anything. 
Posted June 26, 2010 8:00:11 AM
[SDL] Joystick axis problem and crash. I also thought that's peculiar. I was sure that the d-pad should be recognized as a hat. I've also tried with an arcade style controller (digital 8 direction joystick and 10 buttons). The output is for the "dual shock" controller: Quote: ... 
Posted June 24, 2010 4:26:32 AM
SDL polling 'press any key' not working Hmmm... Maybe there is not time for input to occur? Did You try putting a delay in the while(true) loop? 
Posted June 23, 2010 8:16:22 AM
SMPEG file format Ok. So I didn't get the answer I needed. However I did find something usefull, so I'm sharing this with anyone that might need. I found a bash script that may convert pretty much any video to a one that smpeg will read: #!/bin/bash me... 
Posted August 14, 2009 6:17:03 PM
Shared Libraries Problem... Quote:"-Wl,-rpath=/The/Search/Path" It would seem it's exactly what I'm looking for, thanks! Quote:It's LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Isn't LD_LIBRARY_PATH broken, and should not be used? 
Posted June 16, 2008 2:38:58 AM
OpenGL outdated? Quote:Original post by V-man To be honest, I don't think that Linux would ever become a gaming platform (in the next 50 years). That's a fact that Linux is strongest in the server market, but more and more games, for it, are made. Of course mainl... 
Posted June 13, 2008 7:37:39 AM
cab creator on linux Maybe this can help You:! 
Posted June 13, 2008 5:50:37 AM
Hi there! What's your story? Yezu from Gdynia, Poland A 23 year old IT student and a drummer, working for a mobile game porting company. Enthusiast of Free/Libre and Open Source Software. Owns a PC and a vintage 1988 Game Boy. His goal from the very beginning was to develop gam... 
Posted June 12, 2008 7:01:01 AM
Beyond the demo... Quote:Original post by Tom Sloper The most reasonable course of action at this point is to finish your degree, then get several years of experience in the game industry, before trying to start your own company. You say you couldn't find "one thing"... 
Posted April 4, 2008 4:35:32 AM
Call of the Dragon - Beta Hey! Finaly a beat-em up! Looks great. 
Posted May 26, 2007 7:39:00 AM
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