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Get to know Roberto Koci...  
Full Name Roberto Koci
Nickname Roberto Koci 
State/Province, Country Canarias   Spain
GD Gathering City Las Palmas, Canarias, Spain
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Member Since 11/2/2006 7:39:02 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter Hi! I have finished my first commercial title and it has been launched on April 5th. It's a very action intense 3D space shooter featuring modern graphics, cool metal soundtracks and a lot of love embedded in creating this title. I recome... 
Posted April 10, 2010 4:28:58 AM
Real time planets on the GPU Hi! I see that terrain renderin starts to be a fashion, so I'l contribute too! These shots came from my engine featuring real sized starsystems and planet rendering with continual descendance. Happy to hear comments, critics or questions. A... 
Posted November 2, 2006 3:07:05 PM
Need advice! Hi! My name is Roberto. I am a founder and a team leader of a small group of developers working on a space simulation/shooter with features like real sized starsystems (up to 100AU) and planets with continual descent. I have developed thi... 
Posted November 2, 2006 8:22:15 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter Yeah, they need to be made seemless. :) 
Posted April 10, 2010 6:25:22 PM
Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter You need to darken the upper and lower parts of the texture gradually. Not totally, just to some extent. Also turn on anisotropic filtering to at least 4. The textures at upper and lower sector are quite streched, so an aniso helps to sample... 
Posted April 10, 2010 11:41:30 AM
Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter Dir3kt, I used Ogre3d engine. Bru, the background was created after a looooong research how to create a space env. that blends it with the rest of the scene. Basically a lot of photoshopping and cutting out fragments from existing photos of neb... 
Posted April 10, 2010 11:22:50 AM
Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter Thanks! I forgot to mention that since we are a game-dev community here, everyone is encouraged to ask questions regarding the techical issues of making a game, texturing, art, music... Sincerely, Roberto 
Posted April 10, 2010 5:42:00 AM
Real time planets on the GPU Hi! Thanks! A lot of effort was there to make it nice. The good people of made an email sending automatization service whenever someone wants to keep an eye on a post, so, yes, I do watch the post. ;o) I wanted to make a ter... 
Posted December 8, 2008 9:13:32 PM
Real time planets on the GPU Well, I ran out out of resources, we had a technology demo, a non playable one, so the publishers would not "sniff" it. Simple. These guys have no mercy. If it runs, plays, works, shoots, or whatever they look at it but no promises. The on... 
Posted September 7, 2008 4:03:12 PM
Real time planets on the GPU Heh, a long time gone since I posted here. The project got canceled, but I remembered the times when I was working on this, so in memories of old times I uploaded a video of the technology demo: ... 
Posted September 6, 2008 10:04:56 AM
Real time planets on the GPU Hi! The only ploblem not yet solved in my approach is the concentration of textures in the polar regions. The full solution for this would be a fractal approach for texture generation. This current problem could be hacked with some overrid... 
Posted December 2, 2006 11:39:00 AM
Real time planets on the GPU The drawback of this aproach is that the VS unit is overloaded. There are currently 200000 vertices on planet, x16 vertex texture samples per vertex. There are various ways to optimize this: 1. When in orbit no vertex texture reads will be d... 
Posted November 12, 2006 3:48:20 PM
Real time planets on the GPU Hi! Will try to answer all questions asked since my last post... For now the code is not postable: it is complex, should fill a 15-20 page document just for explanation of approach and schematics, but I'm working on it, and will share it w... 
Posted November 11, 2006 11:27:24 PM
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