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Get to know steffanp...  
Full Name Steffan Pallesen
Nickname steffanp 
State/Province, Country Ribe   Denmark
GD Gathering City Varde, Ribe, Denmark
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Member Since 6/28/2007 7:57:04 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Nordic Realms v0.2.3 This is a game called Nordic Realms that i am working on. It is an online RPG, and can currently be downloaded from . The tech-demo features Terrain, procedural trees, particle effects and much more. You can see vide... 
Posted July 6, 2008 9:16:09 PM
Nordic Realms v0.2.1 tech-demo released (Online RPG) Hi. I have released the first official version of my game Nordic Realms. It is a tech-demo, so it will only give you an idea of how the final game will look. The game can be downloaded here: 
Posted June 28, 2008 10:55:31 AM
Cataloging computer/GPU performance Hi I have made a little test program that shows graphics from my game, and then tests how fast your computer renders it. The final result it automatically sent to my server so you don't have to do anything else but start the program. Information abu... 
Posted June 28, 2007 8:02:46 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Nordic Realms v0.2.3 @geekster The lines are created because of a problem with the terrain normals. <danish> Jeg er faktisk fra Oksboel (taet på varde) :) </danish> @MikeTacular Yes you are correct, shadows and better light effects would make the bloom... 
Posted July 7, 2008 1:57:41 PM
Nordic Realms v0.2.3 Is there too much bloom? EDIT: You can turn the bloom off in the options menu 
Posted July 7, 2008 9:35:37 AM
Cataloging computer/GPU performance Sorry ToolMaker, it is my fault. I have now changed to program, so that if a test goes wrong, it is skipped 
Posted June 28, 2007 1:18:21 PM
Cataloging computer/GPU performance Test 1 runs with 800x600 res. no anti alias, low texture detail, a low shader and no bloom. Test 2 runs with 1024x768 res. no anti alias, medium texture detail, a detailed shader and no bloom. Test 3 runs with 1024x768 res. 2x anti alias, high text... 
Posted June 28, 2007 8:45:37 AM
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