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Member Since 10/1/2000 11:03:42 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Have/Want List Matching Algorithm Have/Want List Matching Algorithm I am implementing an item trading system on a high-traffic site. I have a large number of users that each maintain a HAVE list and a WANT list for a number of specific items. I am looking for an algorithm tha... 
Posted August 2, 2010 4:53:26 PM
Looking for a Book on Character Animation Techniques (Programmer, not Artist) I'm building a character animation system. I'm familiar with the basic options (tweening, IK, etc). However, I'd like a book that discusses the different techniques in higher detail than online tutorials. Maybe it's not a whole book. Maybe... 
Posted January 12, 2010 7:26:28 PM
Tools for Creating Textures from Photos? I'm looking for a tool that will help me to create textures from photographs. The key feature I need is the ability to adjust for slants and skews in the original photo. Example: I have a photo of the side of a building. I want to define a quadril... 
Posted November 30, 2009 4:36:16 PM
Poll: Flashbang Grenades in a 3rd Person Game I'm creating a Flashbang grenade for my game, ROBLOX. The most common way people play is in over-the-shoulder 3rd person mode. If a flashbang grenade goes off, you should be blinded if: A. Your character has line of sight to the grenade B.... 
Posted October 13, 2009 1:35:28 PM
Help Wanted: Lua Scripters to Code Assets for MMO-ish Game [Paid] Team name: ROBLOX Corp. Project name: ROBLOX Brief description: ROBLOX is an online building game for kids. It's basically YouTube meets Second Life meets every construction toy ever made. Target aim: ROBLOX has a virtual e... 
Posted September 28, 2009 8:55:47 PM
Clamping a Firing Radius - Please help! Trying to finish my crossbow! So it's been a couple of years since I took linear algebra, and I'm trying to figure out this problem (in three dimensions): Assume a fixed crossbow pointing in direction V1. Player enters a desired direction to fire the arrow, V2. If the an... 
Posted September 25, 2009 8:08:53 PM
Roblox - Haunted Mansion There is an abandoned house on a cliff that some say is haunted. And it is. You should know, because the ghost who haunts this house ... is you! During stormy weather, passersby often think to stop at the house for shelter. Use your eerie powers... 
Posted October 26, 2006 8:26:46 PM
Argh! Please tell me why I'm an idiot - 3DS Max Texture Mapping Issue I'm still a noob at 3ds max. I've texture-mapped some things before, but I still get stuck on stupid stuff. In the screenshot above you can see a soda can model I am working on. I've mapped the UVs correctly (as you can see in the UV... 
Posted May 5, 2009 12:48:07 AM
How to keep your site from getting 'framed'? I assume this is an easily solved problem or the web would be in chaos. My website is being displayed in a full-window frame at * How can I prevent this? * What is their motivation for framing my site? Can... 
Posted April 9, 2009 4:55:40 PM
Can You Save What Remains of my Sanity?! - Very Simple UV Map Question [3DS MAX 8] Here's the deal. I'm trying to make a Moon for my game. All I need to do is texture a sphere. That's it. I've created a GeoSphere, converted it to Editable Poly, and I threw a Spherical UV Map Modifier on it. Great. I get a very pixel-eff... 
Posted January 23, 2009 2:57:54 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Simple Software Security? EDI is totally right. Anti-piracy measures are pointless and only upset paying customers. I pirate software that I've already bought just to avoid having to put the CD in the drive to use it. There is absolutely nothing you can do to prote... 
Posted December 11, 2009 1:31:56 AM
Argh! Please tell me why I'm an idiot - 3DS Max Texture Mapping Issue So I was able to make it work correctly, but all I did was delete the Unwrap UV modifier, re-apply it, and 'reset UVs' on the modifier panel. I'd still be interested in knowing what I did wrong. I didn't find the texture panel the dyslexic... 
Posted May 5, 2009 2:32:36 AM
How to keep your site from getting 'framed'? So what would stop these people from floating an iframe above our login panel and stealing passwords? Are you guys telling me that there is no solution for this problem? If so, why isn't Wells Fargo and Bank of America being framed from Turkey... 
Posted April 10, 2009 5:48:22 PM
ROM 255 levels Demo coming with 10 levels soon Looks great! I've played around with the idea of making some SilverLight games. How long would you say it took you guys to put this together? How do you feel about SilverLight as a gaming platform? Last time I looked at their stuff, they did... 
Posted October 27, 2008 1:06:18 PM
It's "lose", it's freaking "lose" - I can't take it anymore! OP is loosing it. 
Posted October 20, 2008 6:57:02 PM
XWars Hey I'm also looking at writing a geometry wars-type game for fun. I'm wondering how suited you found SDL for doing this sort of game? Is performance good when you try to start drawing millions of particles? 
Posted October 20, 2008 3:08:57 PM
Interactive windows in DX9 Oh man that looks awesome. What is the framerate on the window update? i.e. could I watch a YouTube video in it? 
Posted October 20, 2008 2:59:23 PM
will linux ever be able to takeover windows in popularity All they really need to do is sit down and write drivers for the 1 million peripherals people want to plug into their machine. That's why people use Windows, Microsoft pays people to do the shitwork that no open source idealogue wants to do. Just... 
Posted October 11, 2008 3:18:10 PM
DOW Keeps Falling Now is not the time to buy stocks. I've done reasonably well in the first half of this year (10%) Since then I've been dumping securities in exchange for magic cards. My mox portfolio will kick your portfolio's ass over the next 6 months. ... 
Posted October 7, 2008 11:53:46 PM
Lightning Storms Hiya, your screenshots look great, both here and in your gallery. I downloaded your demo and was a little disappointed - has it been updated recently? There's no lightning.  
Posted September 9, 2008 2:55:03 PM
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