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Member Since 8/1/2001 7:29:28 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Game Engine based on Irrlicht and Lua I am currently developping a new game engine along with its 3D editor tool. My work is based on my Bachelor Thesis Project, which was an interactive simulation environment with scripting and pathfinding capabilities. The editor is Win32/MFC appl... 
Posted March 26, 2008 1:39:18 PM
How to get the planes of the View FRUSTRUM Hi, I’m programming with dx8, and I would like to know how to get the planes of the view frustrum to cull my octree nodes. I’ve seen the tut on for accessing the view frustrum but it was an OPENGL sample and I can&rsquo... 
Posted August 6, 2002 5:36:44 PM
I'm tired of XFiles, I want 3DS files!! hi, I’m trying to make a 3D engine using directx8, but these times I found myself facing really big problems, since I don’t just load some small models with D3DXLoadMeshFromX and watch them spinnig, I rather need to load big maps to try... 
Posted August 1, 2002 8:04:58 PM
collision response or how to slide against walls hi, I’m trying to make a fps so I would like to know how to implement a correct collision response (mainly how to slide against walls if I have the intersection point and the current velocity), as I did a try, I was only able to slide againt hu... 
Posted July 7, 2002 9:29:18 AM
How to get the string from the TextureFilename Template in an .x file? Hi, I would like to know how to get the string from the ’TextureFilename’ template located in an .x file, unfortunatly I was able to retrieve all the data from an .x file excepting this string. I use the standard IDirectxFile and IDir... 
Posted June 16, 2002 7:42:15 PM
loading meshes from .X files in dx8 Hi, could someone give me a small sample code for loading an .X file into my scene? I’m trying to load from D3DXLoadMeshFromX(); but it fails, I really need some help!  
Posted August 1, 2001 7:56:07 PM
UpdateTexture() and AddDirtyRect() make me tired Hi to gd community, What I’m trying to do is to change the contents of a texture at run time (in dx8), I know its possible with D3dDevice->UpdateTexture(tex_source, tex_dest) and I know tex_source should be loaded with D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM an... 
Posted March 5, 2002 6:34:35 PM
Minimal code to render objects with lightmaps Hi, I’m looking for some concrete code to set up and render a scene with lightmaps.. I’ve tried to add a lightmap to a cube, with a texture that have alpha transparency by playing on the SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, /* some... 
Posted October 6, 2001 5:43:39 PM
Direct input frame rate is too high Read from the bottom. Hi, i’m using direct input 8 in a demo, I use it with the GetDeviceState() and several if(keydown..), this is well when I want to check for simultaneous keypresses, but when I wanted to make an interface or a menu with th... 
Posted September 28, 2001 4:38:24 PM
which lib for CoInitialize() and CoCreateInstance() Hi, I want to use Direct Sound in my game, but the CoInitialize(), and CoCreateInstance() needed to set up the IDirectMusicLoader and IDirectMusicPerformance interfaces cannot work, the compiler (Dev-c++) tell that I don’t have the appropriate... 
Posted August 24, 2001 3:04:21 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
accessing vertex buffer for collision detection [ I'm stuck :( ] to accesse the vtx buffer you need to lock IMPERATIVLY with the flag D3DLOCK_READONLY. you can use smth like that VERTEX *pVertices = NULL; LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER8 pVB; pMesh->GetVertexBuffer(&pVB); pVB->Lock(0, 0, (BYTE**)&pVertices, D3DLO... 
Posted August 6, 2002 5:30:05 PM
Snake and DirectX8 the Snake game is so simple that you could simply use the ID3DXSprite interface to blit sprites to the screen as ’parts’ of the snake. If you want a sample, check out the source code of my directx8 snake game! it’s in the directx pa... 
Posted July 14, 2002 6:44:19 AM
Snake and DirectX8 the Snake game is so simple that you could simply use the ID3DXSprite interface to blit sprites to the screen as ’parts’ of the snake. If you want a sample, check out the source code of my directx8 snake game! it’s in the directx pa... 
Posted July 14, 2002 6:44:03 AM
What is your first game? I’ve made a Pong clone in a dos screen with ASCII characters and 8 colors with turbo C. I was 15. Now I’m 17 and I’m trying to make an fps with dev-c++/directx8 check out my site for all my projects. 
Posted July 14, 2002 6:38:48 AM
there's something wrong with my D3DGAMMARAMP..., :( Hi, I had to deal with gamma ramps few weeks ago, and I would like to help you: to understand you have first to build a default gammaramp that will not modify the colors of your scene at all! ->that’s the code D3DGAMMARAMP *pGammaRamp;... 
Posted June 18, 2002 8:57:00 AM
UpdateTexture() and AddDirtyRect() make me tired Well I thinks CopyRects() should do the trick. thanks. To CrazedGenius: Yes I used CD3DFont and I’m sick of it cause it can draw only flat fonts like ’arial’ or ’verdana’ (did’nt it?), for my game I want REAL text... 
Posted March 7, 2002 5:21:07 PM
Draw a wireframe mesh after loading a .x file in dx8 you call d3ddevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_WIREFRAME) or you draw your mesh as a pack of line primitives (D3DPMT_LINELIST) amine 
Posted March 7, 2002 5:07:17 PM
DirectX Contests? I will participate to the contest, amine rehioui 
Posted November 16, 2001 6:48:19 PM
DirectX Contests? I’m in too. Just an idea for the contests: we could make remakes of classic games like pong, nibbles, or asteroids: This would be a sort of ’interactive demos’ with directx 8, especially classic games with much better graphics or s... 
Posted October 24, 2001 7:25:07 PM
Minimal code to render objects with lightmaps ok crazedgenius, I’m ok with yo about the fact that having the SDK is a must, but can’t you just send me the famous sample that you talked about by email? it will be really great if you do that and will save me a lot of time. thanks, am... 
Posted October 7, 2001 7:37:28 PM
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