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Member Since 5/20/2006 8:10:36 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Getting modified parameters back to C after calling a lua function Hi, I would like to pass a table to a lua function from C, add or modify the table in Lua and retrieve the modified version in C. So something like this: lua_getglobal(L, "magic_function"); // Create new table lua_newtable(L); // Push... 
Posted February 25, 2010 7:55:50 PM
Upgrading from SDL 1.2 to 1.3 Hi, I've upgraded the version of SDL I'm been using for my project from 1.2 to 1.3(built from SVN head) and I've been having very strange problems with OpenGL textures: I'm using SDL_Image(also built from head) to load my textures itno SDL_surfac... 
Posted September 14, 2009 6:04:41 PM
_mm_shuffle_ps const weirdness Hi, I'm not entirely sure if this is the forum for SSE questions and apologies if it's not, but basically what I'm trying to do as part of an SSE rotation matrix creation function is the following: static const u32 AxisShuffle[3] = { _MM_SH... 
Posted August 21, 2008 2:19:54 PM
OpenGL crashes in glDrawElements I'm having a weird problem enabling GLSL shaders in my octree rendering code - When I draw my geometry using glDrawElements with a GLSL shader the application crashes somewhere within nvoglnt.dll, if I disable the shader it works fine OR if I draw my... 
Posted July 21, 2007 7:54:55 AM
Wrapping std::map using Boost::Python Hi, I'm trying to wrap std::map using boost::python so my embedded python code can access maps. I have the following wrapper class: //Map - takes e.g std::map<std::string,thing*> as MapType template<class MapType> struct MapIte... 
Posted May 8, 2007 9:14:04 AM
Embedding Boost::Python problems with strings: TypeError: attribute name must be stri I've been slowly starting to develop a cross-platform(developed on Mac OS X) turn based strategy game over the last few months and recently have been thinking about embedded scripting. I have decided to use Python via the Boost::Python library... 
Posted December 30, 2006 10:36:05 AM
Minos This demo started out life as an entry into a retro remakes competition as a Spindizzy remake, but never got finished in time. Current features include: *WYSIWYG level editor using the same engine as the game. *Dynamic level elements and scripti... 
Posted June 12, 2006 4:05:01 PM
std::valarray and classes Hi, Has anyone used valarrays with classes and overloaded operators before in vs2005? I'm attempting to write a nicer version of some vertex blending code I wrote long ago using a valarray of vertex classes. I take one slice of the previous... 
Posted May 20, 2006 9:13:01 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
how to make iphone apps with windows pc You can use the free Airplay iphone license and develop and deploy from your pc. 
Posted September 30, 2010 12:35:20 PM
Perlin Noise Terrain Raycasting with SSAO and SSDM Wow, well done - That looks awesome and even works pretty well on the crappy Pentium 4 (9600GSO) I've got at work.. 
Posted September 14, 2010 12:37:53 PM
SDL n00b question about std::string Well, firstly you should be including <string> and secondly, unless you use a using declaration or something you need to go: void player::setSurface(std::string image) (And a const reference to it would be better still! 
Posted August 6, 2010 10:18:37 AM
Space Pirate That's awesome - I love the art style and the music, exactly what my space shooter aspires to being :) p.s. It works fine on my 64 bit Windows 7 machine. 
Posted March 23, 2010 12:16:56 PM
Byte manipulation question. I *should* know this... Or you could maybe use a union: union { unsigned char components[4]; unsigned long rgba; }PixelUnion; // "texture" is of type unsigned long... offset = (tv * tex_width) + tu; PixelUnion.rgba = texture[offset]; // PixelUnion.... 
Posted March 10, 2010 8:48:16 AM
Getting modified parameters back to C after calling a lua function I've got this working by returning the table, but I'd like to get my original plan to work and Sneftel's suggestion makes perfect sense, BUT when I duplicate the table before attempting to call the function (using lua_pushvalue(L, -1);) the stack loo... 
Posted March 4, 2010 9:18:21 AM
Upgrading from SDL 1.2 to 1.3 Sorry about that, I think I was having weird connection issues. 
Posted September 21, 2009 4:32:36 PM
Upgrading from SDL 1.2 to 1.3 Hi, I've taken test2.c and added texture loading to it and exactly the same thing seems to be happening...Did anyone try compiling my demo program? Cheers Jamie 
Posted September 21, 2009 4:29:57 PM
Upgrading from SDL 1.2 to 1.3 Hi, I've taken test2.c and added texture loading to it and exactly the same thing seems to be happening...Did anyone try compiling my demo program? Cheers Jamie 
Posted September 21, 2009 4:25:27 PM
Upgrading from SDL 1.2 to 1.3 Hi, I've taken test2.c and added texture loading to it and exactly the same thing seems to be happening...Did anyone try compiling my demo program? Cheers Jamie 
Posted September 21, 2009 4:10:46 PM
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