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Member Since 3/27/2008 7:38:17 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
3ds max ver. 9 questions (before I buy it) I have lots of questions reguarding 3ds max 9, which I am planning on buying at an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) store online sometime soon. 1. Can you use 3ds max 9 to make objects into cloth, like a cube made into cloth, or eve... 
Posted May 17, 2008 11:39:56 PM
Having to make new UVmap every time? Hi, i'm having an issue with UV maps. The thing is, every time I load a model from Maya 8.0 into Truespace 7.5, or any other modeling and animation software, the uv maps don't show up correctly on the models I made. Then I have to re-UV map the... 
Posted May 17, 2008 11:15:29 PM
UV map doesn't go on model correctly Hi, iv'e been experiencing an issue with UV maps. The problem is, whenever I make a model in Maya 8.0 for example, and then import it into Blender, or Truespace, which are also 3d modelers/animators, I apply the uv map I made, and it doesn't go o... 
Posted April 23, 2008 10:30:39 PM
terrain with waterfall I made these images of a terrain with a waterfall using Truespace 7.51. The grass is just a texture I made, and the mesh is made from a simple plain that I quad divided. I then used the soft selection tool to make mountains, and the waterfall (which... 
Posted April 13, 2008 12:26:34 PM
mel plugin scripting help Hi, this is my very first post, and I know how to use basic programming langauges (sort of), like Dark Basic Pro, and Blitz Basic 3D. I have some questions regarding making a plugin for Maya in the Maya 8.0 Script Editor. But first I would like to sh... 
Posted March 27, 2008 8:45:32 PM
Lots of Free Mocap! Hi, I found this site that has literally hundreds of .amc motion capture files. They are all free for commercial and non-commercial use (according to the website where I found the link, but I cannot remember where that site is now). Here's the li... 
Posted March 27, 2008 9:35:35 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Selling my models. The following site might be of great use to you, because you can sell/buy 3d models, textures, games, and photos. I myself have never registered as a user on that site to sell my 3d stuff yet. It's just because... 
Posted May 19, 2008 9:33:48 PM
Having to make new UVmap every time? I looked at the Photobucket website, and it looks as if the images and animations are open to the public, and the whole world! I don't want to share my images or any animations I make with the whole world! I just want people on this forum to see... 
Posted May 19, 2008 6:31:24 PM
Having to make new UVmap every time? Does that mean that the image or animation has to be on a published website? If so, I don't know how to do that, but if the image can come from any place on "My Computer\Local Disk (C:)", then that is fine and I know hiow to do that then... 
Posted May 18, 2008 11:56:44 PM
Having to make new UVmap every time? No, I mean like my own images and animations, so I can show others my work i've done. And is there any special tags that I must insert on both sides of the image name in order to display it? They do that on some of the other forums i'm regi... 
Posted May 18, 2008 6:11:50 PM
Having to make new UVmap every time? I recently tried applying a texture that I UV mapped onto a model in Maya 8.0, and exported it in .fbx format. I then downloaded the free trial of 3ds Max 2009, and loaded my model in it. It had some of the textures mapped correctly, but some te... 
Posted May 18, 2008 1:37:58 PM
Render Quake 3 maps with Direct3D I'm no genious about programming, but I have used basic programing languages before. I've never programmed in any higher level programming languages. I think that null might be like a 'dummy object' or 'place holder'. Also, I belive 0 is always false... 
Posted May 18, 2008 1:13:14 PM
Any DarkTree users out there? If you are talking about using it as a plugin for Truespace 7.5, yeah I have those two also. I just use it sometimes, when I need some certain matarial that cannot be easily produced with Truespace 7.5. I didn't know it also came as a separate softwa... 
Posted May 18, 2008 12:46:08 PM
Rate my "Magic pencil" logo I really like the one with the green and brown splats behind the text. But that's just my opinion. Maybe simple is better, that's what I think. But all your designs look so great, it was hard to choose which one I liked best. Please don'... 
Posted May 18, 2008 12:18:46 PM
Having to make new UVmap every time? The models: mostly .obj, and sometimes .fbx The textures or UV maps: only .bmp currently 
Posted May 18, 2008 12:07:34 PM
3ds max ver. 9 questions (before I buy it) Thankyou all for your replies! I did download the trial version, and it turns out that I don't need e-mail to get the download, or serial number. When I installed the trial (3ds max 2009), it asked for the serial number, but it said that if it is... 
Posted May 18, 2008 12:03:02 PM
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