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Member Since 10/27/2005 9:58:21 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Impulse Physics confusion... Ello, everyone. So I'm about to start programming a simple (2d) physics example. While I have worked with physics engines before, and know basically what's happening and when, This is my first time programming my own. I'd like to use impulse ba... 
Posted June 13, 2007 11:25:40 AM
Box2D C# Box2D was created by Erin Catto ( about 2 years ago. I pretty much love Box2D, so I converted it to C# for XNA and made a few minor adjustments. Most notably, bounding boxes are supported for quickly negating any further testing if th... 
Posted May 22, 2007 1:39:21 PM
Animating Sprites in 2D Hey, guys. I've been programming a 2D game, and I've got a friend who can cartoon very well. The problem is neither of us know where to begin when developing sprites. Are there any tutorials you could direct us to, or possibly books you would suggest... 
Posted May 26, 2007 10:11:56 AM
C++ Set to C# List... ? If anyone has seen Erin Catto's Box2D, then you know the code I'm trying to convert to C#. Here's the only part I'm having trouble with. I'm not familier with Set's in C++, so can someone tell me exactly what this code is doing, when it's bei... 
Posted May 18, 2007 6:59:38 PM
Time-Based movement is jittery... Ok, so I was wondering if there was some other way to do timebased movement, other than euler's method. It seems a bit jittery. Anyone? 
Posted June 27, 2006 11:57:08 AM
3x3 Matrix for 2D ? I was skimming across the internet looking for 2D matrix math examples, when I found Sam's Publishing website... they had something about it on there for some reason. I looked at the tutorial and one thing stuck out to me. Why are they usin... 
Posted June 26, 2006 11:06:22 AM
DXUT - tutorials or help getting started... Does anyone know where I can find tutorials on DXUT? Or someplace I can get help starting with it? 
Posted June 22, 2006 2:48:10 PM
2D Texture Transform I remimber seeing a post about this a while ago, but I can't seem to find the one I need. I need to scale and translate texture coordinates so I can select only a portion of a texture. Given the position and dimentions of the portion I need... 
Posted June 21, 2006 12:53:31 AM
Darn Alpha! Ok, so you have 2 triangles. One is red, the other is blue and each are transparent. if you render rTri before bTri, then rTri gets occluded by bTri. This works vice versa also. However when you add the depth buffer you can render in any order, a... 
Posted June 20, 2006 5:31:50 PM
WM_SIZE ? [ solved ] Ok, so heres the problem. When I resize my window(finish resizing), I want to resize the backbuffer. Using WM_SIZE works great for this. However, Windows sends this message every time it realizes a window's size has changed, not just when you get don... 
Posted June 19, 2006 1:21:55 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Impulse Physics confusion... Oliii, do you have your physics examples back online yet? I'm really missing that source code... btw, Aressera, Thanks for the link, I've been trying to find that for a while now! 
Posted June 13, 2007 8:33:41 PM
Slow motion without screwing up the physics timestep? I believe fixed timesteps are usually held at 1/60, in otherwords if you have a constant velocity that velocity is applied over one second, and not one frame (assuming your framerate is a constant 60). If the framerate were to drop below... 
Posted June 13, 2007 11:09:33 AM
Box2D C# It definitely starts to run slow. But that's because there are more collisions to calculate. The example I was giving is more to show off how the bounding boxes, spacial partitioning, and inactive body testing was able to run 1000 boxes with good... 
Posted May 31, 2007 10:53:46 PM
Box2D C# Update! Alright! I've reached my goal. With bounding boxes, a partition grid, and now without testing inactive objects against other inactive objects, I've reached 1000 boxes. Where's the catch? Well... only so many of them can be moving.... 
Posted May 26, 2007 10:51:12 AM
Box2D C# Yes. The download is still up... - edit - So the partition grid is successfully implemented. It definitely helps to eperate body tests. If I let 800 bodies sit still, the frame rate stays (capped) at 60. When they start colliding, however, the... 
Posted May 24, 2007 7:42:57 PM
Box2D C# I tried the bounding circle, but it's much slower. With the circle, you have to calculate the length between the two objects which involves finding a square root. With a bounding box you can if out on the first side that doesn't overlap the othe... 
Posted May 23, 2007 9:57:51 AM
really simple question about rotation (managed dx) We need to see the code that actually calls the draw function, and any other code that would effect the world/object/view matrices (unless you're straying away from them). I don't see any information relating to rotation in this code :/ 
Posted May 23, 2007 9:50:05 AM
Box2D C# I've seen that before. I might have to look further into it. I think the reason my tree didn't work is because I was trying to test certain areas at a time. This time I'm going to use the quadtree to see which nodes a certain object is touching an... 
Posted May 22, 2007 10:52:20 PM
Box2D C# sweet deal. Yeah, the original Box2D example already if'd out on stationary-stationary tests. I like the idea of subsections, but I'm going with the quadtree method though. It's the same as dividing the testing up into subsections, but instea... 
Posted May 22, 2007 7:29:19 PM
2D Collisions and Physics I haven't tried it, but you might want to look at Physics2D.Net. As for engines NOT in C#, there's Erin Catto's Box2D. Considering the fact that it only handles boxes, it's pretty impressive that it's been shown at GDC twice. And inspired... 
Posted May 19, 2007 5:53:07 PM
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