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Full Name John Timbers
Nickname blueapple 
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Member Since 3/13/2007 11:34:56 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Hydro Hey all! Here's some screenshots from a project I have been working on for the last few weeks. It's a "particle game", where you are supposed to get an x amount of water from A to B. Much like the Falling Sand games, but with a "goal". Th... 
Posted May 3, 2008 1:27:29 PM
Spritesheet Hello! Quick question; I have a spritesheet, all sprites are 16x16 and in multiple lines. I know the width and the height of the sheet. How would I do to get the coordinates of the n:th sprite? 
Posted September 28, 2007 1:43:22 PM
IRC Integration Hello everybody! I've been working on my own little online hack-n-slash game (rpg) awhile now, and got this brilliant idea. What if my server could communicate with me wherever I am. My first thought was to make it handle telnet conn... 
Posted May 1, 2007 9:59:16 AM
C# and Graphics Here's my story; I've started coding a (tile based) game, using C++ and SDL + OpenGL. I've gotten so far so that a few fancy maps could be handy, so I decided to code a map editor. So I searched these forums and tested out various RAD "tools/langua... 
Posted April 9, 2007 4:37:00 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Google Go! For those who hasn't heard about it yet, here are two links: The Go Programming Language - Go (programming language) - Wikipedia 
Posted January 5, 2010 10:28:50 AM
White Text on Black or Black on White? Daytime, when the eye is adapted to a greater amount of light, black on white (ie. dark-on-light) is fine for me. On the evenings (and nights) however, I prefer it the other way around. The already mentioned F.lux is really handy, it makes t... 
Posted April 20, 2009 2:36:36 PM
Which 2D game franchise would you want revived? Quote:Original post by Kobalt64 (Actually, that link says Jetpack 2 is in development?) The wikipedia page links to this page, which in turn links to this blog. It has a few screenshot and they seem to mention "Jetpack 2" in quite a few posts. 
Posted April 12, 2009 5:44:10 AM
Fishing in MMO Quote:Original post by Anton Vatchenko Water is different from busher, etc. Operations are: 1. User clicks on the object (bush, enemy, item on the ground). 2. Make a ray trace. 3. Send to a server "I clicked on the entity 28372". ... 
Posted August 22, 2008 1:55:38 PM
simulating arrow I see I mixed it up. tinu, check out Trajectory of a projectile on Wikipedia. It contains everything you need. 
Posted July 3, 2008 8:09:18 AM
simulating arrow If you put t (time) on the x (horizontal) axis, and x on the y (vertical) axis then you get a "two-dimensional equation" (Or at least a two-dimensional plot).  
Posted July 3, 2008 6:57:58 AM
open src game that uses AI algs (e.g. A*) is probably a good place to look. A search for "pathfinding". A search for "ga". 
Posted June 12, 2008 6:23:53 AM
writing actual code? Wikipedia - Scripting language Wikipedia - Shell script Wikipedia - Open source 
Posted June 10, 2008 4:54:29 PM
VERY simple chess engine Um, is there anything specific that you need help with? I believe that if you're looking for a "coding partner", then you should post in the Help Wanted forum. 
Posted June 10, 2008 10:48:53 AM
make numbers wrap around Well, actually, he asked:Quote:Original post by Sync Views How can I make a double or int wrap around between 0 <= x < 360 But you're right, for doubles, it won't work (and I'm not sure about negative numbers). 
Posted May 14, 2008 5:01:54 PM
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