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Member Since 2/24/2007 7:00:30 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Four In A Row My very first game. Uses C++ and directx 9. It took me about a month and was preceded by a text version of the same thing to work out the fine details. The entire framework was written by me. Nothing fancy but it works, game itself will be availab... 
Posted July 24, 2008 11:41:43 AM
VS2005 error its not really but after a couple years away from VB i am going back to it because i have been asked to help develop a commercial that they are using vb with. I can compile the source using vs 2003 but when i try it on v2005 i get the following... 
Posted February 3, 2009 11:34:46 PM
how a game states should be organized Me and a group of people are working on a video game, tonight i was discussing with one of them in particular about the main menu for our game, i have an image of how i think the states should be linked 
Posted September 26, 2008 9:44:03 PM
NSIS installer package and another question too!! Hi, i doubt this is the right forums but here i go anyway. I finished my connect 4 ripoff and am in the process of creating an installer, well i found this one NSIS scriptable. I have the game installing fine and dandy and it adds it to the ad... 
Posted July 23, 2008 10:29:04 PM
one last question about directinput ok so basically i have everything working perfectly in my game except one little problem, i cannot use the arrow keys what gives? that is the only thing stopping me from finishing my game, Please i hope somebody has an answer that doesn't i... 
Posted July 16, 2008 12:39:57 AM
directinput questions i am working on a connect4 game in C++ with directx as you might guess from the title of this thread. But now i am to the point that i want the player to get to take a turn, i want them to press the numbers 1 through 7 to correspond with the co... 
Posted June 15, 2008 9:15:04 PM
directx and C++ help Hey guys i am working on making a connect 4 game using C++ and directx. I have read the book Introduction to 3D game programming with directx 9.0c: A shader approach from cover to cover. Now i have written connect 4 with C++ and just text and... 
Posted June 13, 2008 6:44:43 PM
good computer for programming with dx10? so i just finished building my first computer. what do you think, good for programming with directx10 CPU: intel core 2 duo e6700 overclocked to 3.55Ghz Motherboard: EVGA nforce 680i SLI Memory: Crucial Ballistix tracter 1066mhz Graphics card:... 
Posted January 26, 2008 3:53:13 PM
Help, cant compile anything that uses dx10 I finally decided to do programming in dx10. I bought a book that covers it, i'm trying to compile the code that came with the book and i am having some issues with it. I'm getting the following error. I have all the libaries linked in and all files... 
Posted January 9, 2008 9:24:34 PM
creating autorun file on CD I am putting together a CD that has a program of mine. I want to have it autorun the exe file for it. What does an autorun file consist of. And what is the file extension for it. I have tried to create an autorun file before but i didn't work so i ha... 
Posted December 31, 2007 4:30:23 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
How Do You Backup Your Source Code? i'm probably a bit over redundant considering i'm still lower level programmer. i have project stored on my DEV pc, on my file server( on there is duplicated across 2 drives) and then also on an external drive to the server. als... 
Posted January 5, 2010 1:04:48 PM
Elevated looks good, however it wouldn't run at all for me :( double click the exe and it just pops up and says cant run, all exes do that. 
Posted November 28, 2009 4:22:44 PM
Need to make a simple game. NEED HELP for the button, you could just modify a cheap mouse, get a push button to mount for the user to press, and then just solder the leads for that button to the contact points on the mouse. it would be the easiest way IMO. 
Posted October 8, 2009 5:57:47 PM
All my colours are dull i haven't done any programming in openGL myself yet but i'm pretty sure it should be glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) 
Posted August 10, 2009 10:02:03 AM
[DX9] .FX / HLSL Usage in advanced game programming? companies will either include the .fx files in the executable or they will use there own file format to hide them from people who are trying to peek at them. 
Posted June 8, 2009 11:29:48 AM
Black-On-White(In Color)[Upated With Download] wouldn't work on my computer at all, running vista 64 bit if that helps :) 
Posted April 27, 2009 4:29:58 PM
Tetrigami, an origami-themed tetromino game looks great, however if i might make one suggestion. The test color for the scores and lines blends to much into the background. If you were to use a slightly darker color i think it would look perfect. Good job, much better art than i will e... 
Posted April 9, 2009 11:44:33 AM
Type of computer. Quote:Original post by daviangel Quote:Original post by swiftcoder Quote:Original post by moose517 a desktop with an i7 CPU with quad SLI GTX295's and 12gb of RAM.Just out of curiosity, how large a chunk of cash did that baby burn? Quote:Compile... 
Posted March 17, 2009 10:04:11 PM
Type of computer. Like a couple other people mentioned, i have 2 computers set for programming related stuff. I have a laptop to cover the minimum end side of getting my game working and a desktop with an i7 CPU with quad SLI GTX295's and 12gb of RAM in it for the re... 
Posted March 10, 2009 9:41:24 PM
VS2005 error i have it set to anyCPU configuration so i would assume that it would be 32 bit, i do run on 64 os though. I wonder could it be caused by the fact that i had 2005 installed and then installed 2003 after? maybe i'll try re-installing 2005 and s... 
Posted February 4, 2009 6:58:58 PM
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