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Get to know Switch0025...  
Full Name Bryan Lister
Nickname Switch0025 
State/Province, Country TX   United States
GD Gathering City Dallas, TX, United States
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Job Title Junior Software Developer 
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Member Since 4/24/2007 7:56:25 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Noctem Hey everyone, This is my final project game I created with three dudes and two chicks at Full Sail. The game is called Noctem and it had a five month development schedule, two of which were for documentation while the other three were for producti... 
Posted March 12, 2009 12:35:37 PM
VBO problem For the past few days I've been trying to get a a square to render using VBOs but, unfortunately, have not been able to. So, any help I could get would be much appreciated. Sorry in advance for this post being so long: I wanted to give enough informa... 
Posted November 24, 2007 5:26:44 PM
Problem with getting the size of a file So, I was looking for a way to get a file's size and most web sites (including some threads on this site) say that you can get it using something like this: unsigned GetFileSize(std::string &szFilePath) { ifstream ifs(szFilePath.... 
Posted November 18, 2007 3:31:02 PM
Returning: const reference vs value I've been reading "Effective C++" by Scott Meyers lately and a question has come up that I can't seem to find the answer to; so hopefully some of you guys can help me. Heres the question: Is it better to have a function return by value or to retur... 
Posted May 13, 2007 6:32:17 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
MMO: AI controlled Factions It is an interesting idea but I've always felt that AI has the unfortunate side effect of not producing the drama that humans tend to produce. The reason online games (MMOs especially) are fun is because humans are the ones making the decis... 
Posted November 7, 2010 9:47:08 PM
Booster Trooper I like the amount of detail you put into everything - great job. It also reminds me of Soldat which was always fun. Are you planning on releasing a demo? 
Posted July 19, 2010 6:43:44 PM
Just released Subvein v0.52!! The lighting does look good, I thought it was 3D when I first saw it. I imagine your lighting technique produces better results with smaller tiles - is this accurate? If so, how big are they? 
Posted September 8, 2009 7:18:34 AM
How to protect resources in game from ripper softwares. Quote:Original post by kunos Quote:Original post by jtagge75 If you spent thousands of dollars on the high quality art they are getting for free you might have a different opinion on the matter. I have to agree with you. In some are... 
Posted April 15, 2009 11:25:50 AM
How to protect resources in game from ripper softwares. Why are you scared of people ripping assets from your game? Even if they did, what's the worst they could do with them? Whatever they do with them is unlikely to hurt you or your business and your reaction will probably cost more (last time I heard,... 
Posted April 14, 2009 8:35:28 AM
Generating a [0,1] float from two ints Quote:Original post by DevFred double exclusive1(unsigned a, unsigned b) { unsigned x = a ^ b; return x / 4294967296.0; } double inclusive1(unsigned a, unsigned b) { unsigned x = a ^ b; return x / 4294967295.0; } Hm... 
Posted February 22, 2009 12:25:29 PM
C#/DirectX without MDX nor XNA, a good idea? Quote:Original post by chot 3. Would it run on an XBox? Would it run under *nix with for example mono + wine? SlimDX may not be what you want if your trying to run on the 360. This is from their wiki main page under "Why not use SlimDX?... 
Posted February 15, 2009 7:46:32 PM
The Daily A year or so ago I was looking for a way to backup stuff on my PC but I couldn't find a site that made it easy. After I got some server space for my website I decided to just use SVN to back up all my stuff to the server. Works amazingly, it's a... 
Posted January 17, 2009 4:30:40 PM
Math Resources. My favorite math site: The sites basically a math dictionary where the creators assume you have no idea what they're talking about. 
Posted November 21, 2008 8:04:14 PM
Plasma Pong v1.3 Screenshots Although it was taken down from the main site you can still download it here: Edit: Holy hell this game is awesome! I love the visuals and the music... 
Posted January 12, 2008 12:14:56 PM
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