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Nickname nitramus 
State/Province, Country Zlinsky Kraj   Czech Republic
GD Gathering City Lipov, Zlinsky Kraj, Czech Republic
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Member Since 10/10/2006 5:36:56 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
BJS - Battle Just Started We created an OpenSource multiplayer tank battle. You can get it from We placed there a video from the game, another screenshots, user's and developer's documentation and one funny comix. If you do not have f... 
Posted December 22, 2006 2:27:02 AM
Battle Just Started - an Open Source Game We created an open source multiplayer 3D tank battle. You can get it from We placed there a video from the game, some screenshots, one funny comix, user's and developer's documentation. If you do not have fr... 
Posted December 21, 2006 5:53:26 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Singletons We are using singleton design pattern in our BJS game for resource management (textures, sounds, fonts). Works well. The great thing about it is that we do not have to keep references to resource managers in these managed items. At the start, we h... 
Posted January 8, 2007 3:30:02 PM
BJS - Battle Just Started Quote:Original post by kneeride Can I ask how you did the grass texture? It looks very nice. Did you do any blending? Did you create the textures with photoshop filters? We described that in the development documentation (page 47 - chapter 7.2... 
Posted January 8, 2007 11:04:47 AM
BJS - Battle Just Started Quote:Original post by Loo Wang I installed your game, but when I tried to launch it, nothing happened, except that my desktop and the Windows GUI was scaled down a bit. There even appeared no task in the bottom line of the desktop. This seems to... 
Posted December 24, 2006 8:18:08 AM
BJS - Battle Just Started Thanks for your feedback. We know about the "bad camera behaviour" and will try to make it better in some future release. And yes, we were inspired by Think Tanks and Tread Marks a bit. I finished downloading Wild Metal Country now and I am going... 
Posted December 23, 2006 5:48:57 AM
Helix Terrain Engine A bug at Terrain.cpp, line 122: else if(slope > omaxheight) I think, that there should be height instead of slope.  
Posted October 10, 2006 5:54:10 AM
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