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Get to know MikeTacular...  
Full Name Michael Bradshaw
Nickname MikeTacular 
State/Province, Country UT   United States
GD Gathering City Bountiful, UT, United States
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Member Since 9/25/2004 8:25:48 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Object isn't drawing as vector graphics (Flash/Actionscript 3) I'm kinda new to this whole Flash/Actionscript 3 scene. I'm remaking one of my games in Flash so that people can play it on my website/blog (which doesn't exist :P). Anyway, I've got this shape I need to draw (the anaconda's head), and it... 
Posted June 16, 2009 11:08:36 PM
Is there a limit on the length of a post? I recently replied to this thread three times. The first two times GameDev died, and it was only until I made the third post that everything actually worked. My first two posts were basically the same as my third one, except for the text... 
Posted June 13, 2009 3:39:45 PM
Are there any non-english programming languages? Every programming language I've ever used or seen has been based on the English language. I started wondering the other day, are there programming languages out there that are based on other languages? Like Spanish, French, Italian, Germa... 
Posted May 21, 2009 12:22:54 AM
Can't have extern static bool? Ok, so I'm working in C++ and I have one source file and a header file. There is a boolean variable named localMode that is defined in the source file but access elsewhere in the project. Here's the relevant code: Utils.h #ifndef UTILS_H ... 
Posted May 22, 2009 2:10:29 PM
Oh the joys of networking... All of the programming I've done up until about 6 months ago involved no networking. When I got my current job they had me write some C++ library that would upload and download files, as well as POST info, to/from one of our servers. I used li... 
Posted May 14, 2009 12:58:46 PM
So I bought two Annoy-a-trons... I'm a college student living in the dorms. I've got a room to myself, though I share a bathroom with a suitemate. He's cool; we get along, but... he drives me insane! His sound system (especially his bass) easily carries right through the walls.... 
Posted April 14, 2009 12:43:24 PM
Oh teh nos! Where's a doctor!?! A few months ago I developed a twitch in my eye. It wasn't a large twitch so most people didn't notice it, but I could definitely feel it twitching every few seconds. Well on Sunday that eye-twitch was replaced by my right latissimus dorsi mus... 
Posted May 7, 2009 1:22:51 PM
Program to see what folders are consuming the most disk space? The files on my 220 GB hard drive seem to be having babies cause my disk space seems to decrease each day. A couple of weeks ago I had <15 GB left, so I deleted about 60 GB worth of files. After a couple of weeks I'm at about 30 GB of free... 
Posted May 1, 2009 9:02:52 PM
Wait, when did Zahlman become a moderator!?! Ok, so I knew when Evil Steve became a moderator, but when did this happen?! Either Zahlman needs a congrats thread or I'm retarded for missing it. 
Posted April 29, 2009 10:42:28 PM
How do you say those names anyway? Ok, so I just voted "Ysaneya" on the GameDev Poll of the Weekish. I have no freaking idea how to say that name. And he hasn't answered me when I asked him in his journal either. I can kind of hack my way through "Oluseyi" because of this thre... 
Posted April 21, 2009 1:28:56 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Feedback on game logo please Quote:Original post by Kohlschnitzel BTW: in UK/USA is GTA a often used term in tv / papers? In the USA, GTA is often used when talking about the video game, but I have never seen it used when talking about real life grand theft auto. 
Posted July 13, 2009 6:01:49 PM
Feedback on game logo please My eye is naturally drawn towards the empty space between the A and the S (since the A is usually sloping away from the S). My eye immediately focuses on the center of those two letters, so immediately I see "AS", but just a little to the right... 
Posted July 13, 2009 1:48:51 PM
Is a private copy constructor/assignment operator bad practice? Quote:Original post by Badgerr If you mean a HANDLE, it is simply a number, a reference to the windows api object created (handles are used for many things) - If you're talking about copying this handle, just copy it like you would anything else. Si... 
Posted July 13, 2009 3:44:35 AM
Simple question of integer input (C++) I'd counter your professor and say that using compilers which do not conform to the C++ International Standard isn't really programming in C++, but rather a crude adaptation of it. I'd point out that the C++ standard agrees with you and that he is u... 
Posted July 13, 2009 3:32:42 AM
Can someone make a game with me? Why don't you try creating a game on your own and coming back here when you get stuck? Of course it would be awesome if someone could walk you through a game, but in the likely event that someone doesn't/can't you should just try something simp... 
Posted July 12, 2009 5:57:32 PM
Errors When Compiling? Quote:Original post by Dragon_Lance I cant find it :/ Is this supposed to be inside The Visual c++ compiler or the files themselves? In the Visual Studio IDE. The first button you push (the "Project" button( is in the top menu bar. 
Posted July 12, 2009 3:55:11 PM
** HELP WANTED POLICY REMINDER ** Quote:Original post by rip-off Not a sticky?In that case... Bump [grin] I've actually got a question about the Help Wanted section and GDNet v5. Will v5 require the user to fill out a template (rather than visit another thread and copy 'n' paste... 
Posted July 12, 2009 2:24:17 PM
Simple question of integer input (C++) I want an update on this. sirfooks, what was your teacher's response to your reply? 
Posted July 12, 2009 2:13:40 PM
picogen 0.2: Funeral, Pt. 2 Looks awesome! One question: can picogen handle creating smooth landscapes (like rolling hills, sand dunes, or other not-rocky things)? These are all mountainous/rockey scenes (which look great!); are there any smoother landscapes? Keep it up! 
Posted July 11, 2009 5:00:25 PM
Can a computer do the same thing in different ways? Quote:Original post by ibebrett seriously. you need a hash function. look one up. don't take toStrings of floats. log10 is not exact. different implementations may very well give you different results. the whole thing is just wrong. Or maybe h... 
Posted July 10, 2009 12:21:32 PM
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