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Member Since 6/14/2008 4:19:48 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Mapper needed for Marching Blocks (Online FPS) Team Name: Ploronex Entertainment Brief Description: Marching Blocks is an Online FPS game that takes place in blockland, which is being invaded by the blobs. Players are made of block/blob-like characters, when you shoot their arm they'l... 
Posted May 15, 2009 1:48:02 AM
Mapper needed for Marching Blocks (Online FPS) Team Name: Ploronex Entertainment Brief Description: Marching Blocks is an Online FPS game that takes place in blockland, which is being invaded by the blobs. Players are made of block/blob-like characters, when you shoot their arm they'l... 
Posted March 7, 2009 4:29:32 AM
Concept Artists, Mappers, Animators, and Modelers Needed for Online FPS! Team Name: Ploronex Entertainment Brief Description: Marching Blocks is an Online FPS game that takes place in blockland, which is being invaded by the blobs. Players are made of block/blob-like characters, when you shoot their arm they'l... 
Posted February 2, 2009 1:18:44 AM
Second Threat *CLOSED* Project Name: Second Threat [note, this is a repost of our older thread here] Brief Description: The year is 2053. The cold war between China and the US is at its peak. Small skirmishes have been breaking out in various parts of the world. W... 
Posted November 13, 2008 3:12:14 PM
Relative angle from point a (with direction) to point b Hi guys. I'm trying to figure out how to find the relative angle from point a to point b. Point A has a direction to it. Wikipedia failed me (I haven't got the faintest grasp on trig), so I turn to you guys! To better illustrate, see this: ... 
Posted October 21, 2008 5:51:51 PM
Looking for a draw-on-your-computer extension thing Hi guys, I didn't know how to describe it, so I did my best above :) I'm looking for something that lets you draw on-top of your window, in front of everything else. Something like a windows-journal, except you don't need the app open to do... 
Posted October 1, 2008 11:16:19 PM
CG(fx) shader testing program? Hi, I just got the book The CG Tutorial. It so far looks like a pretty good book, but it's got one giant problem, it never explains how to run the shaders, or test them, or anything. I downloaded the CG toolkit, and I was wondering if there's... 
Posted October 1, 2008 11:11:46 AM
Registerring an International Trademark. Hi guys. I work with a company-to-be , and I'm trying to get our name trademarked. I've seen articles on making a trademark with the US Government office that does that sort of thing, but we've got people located throughout the world. Does th... 
Posted August 18, 2008 7:57:49 PM
Second Threat (Online FPS) Needs Source Programmers! Project Name: Second Threat Brief Description: It is the year 2053. The two super powers of the world, America and China, are at world war. The planet has been divided once again into two factions, and the world is in mass turmoil. It... 
Posted July 16, 2008 3:26:38 PM
The Grappler Hey guys, I'm new to these forums, and I thought I'd throw in a (potential?) Image of the Day. This is an alien I made for the game Second Threat. I've decided to call it the grappler. It's ~1750 polygons, with normal and texture map (NOT in the p... 
Posted August 4, 2008 12:12:49 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Million Dollar Idea If your idea really is worth a million dollars in just a few months, why not offer payment to your team members at a full time rate? Just a thought. 
Posted July 30, 2010 7:17:56 AM
3D FACEBOOK GAMING COMPANY LOOKING FOR 3D MODELERS What kind of models will be produced? Organic? Hard-Surface? Environmental? What kind of poly-counts? Will textures be needed as well? What about animations? 
Posted May 22, 2010 9:50:15 PM
[PAID] Environmental Modeler Needed email sent. 
Posted April 6, 2010 1:27:38 AM
[PAID] Environmental Modeler Needed In total, how many stage environments will be required? 
Posted April 4, 2010 11:30:53 AM
Game Wanted This project strikes me as rather odd. If you're a large defense contractor dealing with sensitive information, why are you hiring on an internet forum? 
Posted December 22, 2009 9:47:17 AM
$5 Songs (up to 2 minutes!) **high quality MP3** I worked with this man for some time and I'd just like to give my opinion on him. He's an extremely talented individual capable of producing simply stellar pieces and is very good at converting an idea into a song. You won't regret using his... 
Posted October 28, 2009 11:47:24 PM
[MMO] Tales Of Kalenor looking for 3d modelers But you know that in order to make such a huge world not bland and repetitive would mean packing tens of thousands of square kilometers with content, variety, props, vegetation, enemies, cities, etc. Also, in order to make a world of such a huge siz... 
Posted August 21, 2009 8:08:42 PM
[MMO] Tales Of Kalenor looking for 3d modelers Just how far are you programmatically with this game? From the sound of it, you haven't decided on an engine yet. I just thought I should let you know that you really must realize just what an undertaking building an MMO is. Even with a team... 
Posted August 21, 2009 8:32:06 AM
Troubleshoot: Half Life 2 Multiplayer, Competitive Team based Mod If I might make a suggestion, so many maps in a multiplayer game can often be a bad thing. As Valve said, they noticed that too many multiplayer games have too many maps, and only a few are particularly good, and the rest tend to end up ignored... 
Posted August 1, 2009 7:31:42 PM
Four Skills I agree, based on what information you gave, I know nothing about your project except a name. 
Posted August 1, 2009 7:28:10 PM
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