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Get to know Hydrael...  
Full Name Christian Schick
Nickname Hydrael 
State/Province, Country Bayern   Germany
GD Gathering City Nurnberg, Bayern, Germany
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Member Since 2/16/2005 2:59:43 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Screenshots from my "NGine" These are some screenshots from my own OpenGL engine. The screenshots are a few month old, because I've quit the project until now - it just got too complicated for me to handle it all by myself. But I figured I might as well show some nice pictu... 
Posted January 8, 2007 1:13:13 PM
SDL_net losing sent packets Hello everyone, I'm currently using SDL_net for a little casual game which uses multiple clients, which is why I have to use socketsets. I now have the problem, that in cases where I send several packets quickly one after another from the cl... 
Posted August 25, 2009 1:36:22 PM
Problems reading Vertexbuffer [solved] Hey there, for my current project I want to use DirectX in combination with Newton Game Dynamics. One problem I now have really confuses me. I load a bunch of X meshes via D3DXLoadMeshFromX. From those meshes I need to create an exact collision... 
Posted September 2, 2007 11:18:40 AM
Beefing up lightmaps Hello everyone, I've been thinking about how I could make the general lightmapping algorithm to be at least a little dynamic - like turning lights on/off, make it pulse, etc while runtime without having to calculate additional lightmaps. Wha... 
Posted September 12, 2006 6:47:30 AM
Differences Rendermonkey - GL application [solved] Hello everyone, I'm having a little problem with using the same shader in Rendermonkey and an OpenGL application but getting different results. This is a simple cubemap reflection, and I don't really know, what I could have done wrong. Here... 
Posted August 12, 2006 7:28:58 AM
Combining lightmaps and bump/parallax mapping Hello everyone, I've recently finished a lightmap implementation for my engine. I really like the results, but I wonder, if it is possible to beef everything up a bit. That's why I wanted to ask, if there is any experiences around for combining... 
Posted July 20, 2006 8:16:48 AM
Questions regarding D3DXLoadMeshFromX and LPD3DXMESH Hello everyone, I normally belong the the OpenGL faction (but please don't hunt me out of this forum anyway ;) ), but now certain circumstances require me to parse DirectX .X files. Because I don't really feel like writing a parser myself, I th... 
Posted May 21, 2006 5:32:07 AM
3DSMax 8, render to texture and UVWs Hello everyone, I hope this is the right forum for my question. If it isn't, please feel free to move it to a more suitable forum. Ok, here it comes: I'm currently trying out different lighting/shadowing methods for my engine. One thing I'... 
Posted May 13, 2006 10:14:00 AM
Multipass Rendering [Resolved] Hello everyone, I've recently implemented a per-pixel lighting shader (written in glsl) within my engine. I'm doing multiple passes per active light (up to 8). Everything works fine, except that I don't know, how to properly combine the results f... 
Posted May 6, 2006 8:29:28 AM
MFC and CTabCtrl [Resolved] Hello everyone, I've recently implemented some Tab Controls within my MFC project following this tutorial. Everything worked fine, until I wanted to implement a Tab Control within another. The Tab Control that's embedded within another won't a... 
Posted April 12, 2006 5:14:56 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
SDL_net losing sent packets Ah, ok - then i "just" need to enhance my packet reconstruction factory a bit. This class already takes a binary stream and reconstructs a network packet from the first 4 bytes. It just needs to be able to create an array of packets from a single s... 
Posted August 25, 2009 2:20:45 PM
Problems reading Vertexbuffer [solved] Ok, problem solved. Thanks to sirob over at the IRC ;) The memcpy was shouldn't be indexing floats if you are measuring in bytes. Changed float *pV=(float*)pMessage->pVertices; to char *pV=(char*)pMessage->pVertices; and... 
Posted September 2, 2007 4:05:44 PM
Screenshots from my "NGine" Thanks for the feedback :D The reflection is based on this tutorial For the models I used the DirectX X format ;) 
Posted January 11, 2007 3:50:52 AM
Lightmaps and Smooth Shadows Hey there, did you ever have a look at Gile[s]? If not, give it a try. It's a very nice program, that gives very good results - at least I'm sadisfied with it ;) Greets Chris 
Posted November 20, 2006 3:08:19 AM
how to use the shader in the program? For GLSL: 
Posted September 13, 2006 6:59:11 AM
Some coding problems on GL There actually is no "rule". GL_TEXTUREi just identifies the texture stage you wish to work with (GL_TEXTURE0 - GL_TEXTURE7). 
Posted September 13, 2006 3:27:02 AM
Some coding problems on GL If you want to use multitexturing, glActiveTexture is one of the functions you will need. It tells, what texture stage (0-7) you want to use for enabling/disabling texturing, or binding textures. You could look at this neighbour thread for a... 
Posted September 13, 2006 3:15:38 AM
mapping 2 textures to 1 object Yes, I figure Mars is right - bind your two textures like he posted, and it should work ;) There is another thing you should correct though: Between the rendering of your first (multitextured quad), and the second one, you have following cal... 
Posted September 13, 2006 1:43:50 AM
mapping 2 textures to 1 object You need to use those brackets for sourcecodes: [] ;) I'll take a look at your code tomorrow. 
Posted September 12, 2006 2:24:29 PM
mapping 2 textures to 1 object You need to enable GL_TEXTURE_2D for every multitexturing stage. i.e.: glActiveTextureARB (GL_TEXTURE0_ARB); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glActiveTextureARB (GL_TEXTURE1_ARB); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); ... Render your stuff ... glActiveTex... 
Posted September 12, 2006 2:08:15 PM
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