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Member Since 6/12/2005 11:57:48 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
EL OCASO DE SARA - Beta (windows-linux) Some pics from the game im currently developing, now on beta state. You can see a video here. Video Beta And dowload the beta here Download demo Beta More info here Thanks 
Posted July 10, 2008 1:39:11 PM
EL OCASO DE SARA - Adventure - Beta (Windows-linux) Hi, After suffering almost three years i think that the game has reached a beta state and i'd like to get some feedback. First i put the link from my last video: Video Beta And the link to the beta version (windows and linux) Download... 
Posted July 8, 2008 5:45:20 AM
glGetError() solved my problem ?? Hi, Im was having some problems using smpeg on my GL app, i got SDL_CreateYUVOverlay when i called smpeg on determinates procs of my code. I have checked the code looking for memory leaks with valgrind, i also check for gl errors wit... 
Posted May 23, 2008 5:24:03 PM
Projective texturing remove back-projection hi, is there any way to remove back-projection using fixed-pipeline and without clipping planes? I have heard something about using 1d texture but i cant find a clear explanation. Thanks in advance. 
Posted March 5, 2008 12:06:37 PM
projective texturing for shadows Im been looking this shadow method, it seems interesting but i have some questions. I have several models and a bsp map, each model has its own shadow texture. All the examples that i have seen use models without textures an only one... 
Posted March 5, 2008 5:09:21 AM
Variance Shadow Mapping Acne? Hi, I was trying to implement a simple VSM because i heard that it avoid almost every Shadow Mapping glitches (besides it add others news (light bleding). I fihished a simple implementation a here are the results. When the player is near to... 
Posted January 31, 2008 3:07:35 PM
clear depth buffer kills framerate Hi, Im working with FBO, my application is running at 41 fps aprox and if i add the call to glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); only this, inside fbo and it downs to 22 fps. is there any way to do it faster? can i do it on glsl? Thanks... 
Posted December 18, 2007 8:03:39 AM
Per pixel light problems Hi, Im trying to implement ppl on my engine, this are the vertex and fragment shaders. Im getting some strange results, the main one is that altought the light is always on (0,0,0) it is moving when i move my character or the cam... 
Posted December 5, 2007 4:31:43 AM
Memory leaks I work with mtrace when im working on linux platform, but sometimes i work on windows machine. Im working with gcc or mingw and c code. I have heard about mmgr but i cant add it into my project because it is c++. I try also ibm purif... 
Posted December 6, 2007 6:15:36 AM
Model paralell to surface hi, I getting some problems trying to rendering my model paralell to surface. I made my model on milkshape looking at z axis (0,0,1) When i render the model i do this: glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(modelpos.x, modelpos.y, modelpos.z)... 
Posted December 2, 2007 6:16:24 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
EL OCASO DE SARA - Beta (windows-linux) @doronf:"You should consider using a better collision detection implementation. After falling from the waterfall and getting out of the pool, I fell down into nothingness." Near the tree, right?, i think this is a map problem. Im using newtongamed... 
Posted July 14, 2008 6:51:51 AM
EL OCASO DE SARA - Beta (windows-linux) Anyway, your game worked, but there were major artifacts, like lots of blackness and popping in and out of textures, even with shadows off. -It happens on intel gpu, this gpu dont let me do the seconds pass when i draw the lines for "comic lo... 
Posted July 12, 2008 6:09:45 AM
EL OCASO DE SARA - Beta (windows-linux) Thanks a lot for your comments, and yeap, im doing the art too (my experience working on proyects (no just games) without money take me to this :-(). 
Posted July 11, 2008 10:32:27 AM
Projective texturing remove back-projection Solved! I must use texture2dProj instead texture2d. But now i found a glitch?? what is this????  
Posted March 7, 2008 11:17:05 AM
Projective texturing remove back-projection I try gl_TexCoord[2] = gl_TextureMatrix[2] * gl_Vertex; gl_TexCoord[2] = gl_TextureMatrix[2] * gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex; gl_TexCoord[2] = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_MultiTexCoord2; gl_TexCoord[2] = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex; gl_TexCoo... 
Posted March 7, 2008 7:06:33 AM
Projective texturing remove back-projection Ok, you win. I have it working on fixed pipeline (with back projection) i want to remove back projection on glsl but im getting problems, my shadow doesnt scale and translate correctly. This is a pic on fixed this is w... 
Posted March 7, 2008 6:48:13 AM
Projective texturing remove back-projection I found another text that explain it better, "The traditional solution to the "back projection" problem is to use a "clipper" texture (the same way NVidia implements use clip planes in D3... 
Posted March 6, 2008 10:01:56 AM
Projective texturing remove back-projection Thanks for your answers. Here are some links with info "Fold the back-projection factor into a 3D attenuation" 
Posted March 5, 2008 5:11:06 PM
Per pixel light problems Finally it was making a mistake passing the worlds'normals, so now it works well for the world and the shaders are ok. But now im having a new problem, when i want to render my model i do this: Translatef model to its position Rotatef model by... 
Posted December 7, 2007 7:31:03 AM
Memory leaks Oh thanks!, but im working with codeblocks. 
Posted December 6, 2007 6:49:56 AM
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