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Member Since 5/26/2006 10:43:38 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Galactic Supremacy Galactic Supremacy is a 4X turn-based strategy game similar to the Master of Orion or Galactic Civilizations series. Gameplay is strictly multiplayer, though players may interact diplomatically with minor races (AI). I developed the game as a proje... 
Posted May 26, 2006 1:18:33 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Sparks painter app OMG, this is the coolest thing I have seen this year (I'm a particle whore :D). 
Posted March 4, 2008 6:44:06 PM
SunAge - finally final Holy crap! This game looks amazing! I really love the old-school sprite-based RTS games, and your screenshots prove that you don't need a full 3D world to have a damn fine looking game. Congratulations on finishing your project after all th... 
Posted October 9, 2007 3:31:55 PM
Dynamically adding WebUserControls problems I think you basically hit the nail on the head as far as the reason your way wasn't working. The link between the ASCX content page and the code-behind class is defined within the ASCX file--not the other way around. So if you add a user contr... 
Posted May 8, 2007 10:57:31 AM
Tool to create UML model from C# source? I highly recommend using the class designer in Visual Studio 2005 Professional or Team System. It was created for designing .NET classes, so you have support for properties, events, attributes, etc. It also generates the skeleton classes for you, a... 
Posted May 8, 2007 10:50:29 AM
Handle to App If you're using WinForms or the WPF, there should be a static property along the lines of Application.Current 
Posted May 5, 2007 2:45:02 PM
Dynamically adding WebUserControls problems Quote:Original post by Cybrosys ... NewsControl newsControl = new NewsControl(); newsControl.ID = string.Format("NewsControl{0}", count++); cell.Controls.Add(newsControl); ... Try this: ... NewsControl newsControl = Page.LoadControl("NewsCont... 
Posted May 5, 2007 2:42:10 PM
[C#] Constraining Generic Type To Enum? As a side note, this is a limitation of the C# language and not the CLR. You can use Enum as a generic constraint in C++/CLI, and I'm not sure about VB.NET. It's one of those little things that bugs me about C# (like the lack of support for na... 
Posted May 4, 2007 1:15:31 PM
FAR Colony Wow, I have to say, this looks really cool. I'll be keeping an eye on it, and I hope you stick with it :). 
Posted April 8, 2007 10:07:51 PM
PlasmaBrick Preview! Very nice, glad to see more C#/.NET developers here. Keep up the good work :). 
Posted November 18, 2006 11:29:00 AM
Aphelion: Phoenix Rising Glad to see another 4X game developer here. Keep up the good work :). 
Posted November 4, 2006 4:26:15 PM
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