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Get to know guvidu...  
Full Name Bogdan Daniel Vladu
Nickname guvidu 
State/Province, Country Bucuresti   Romania
GD Gathering City Bucuresti, Bucuresti, Romania
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Job Title Lead Programmer 
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Member Since 8/12/2006 11:10:25 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Luabind/lua: calling a function from a specific script Hey guys! I need to load a function from a specific script. What i need to do is something like this: Load a bunch of script files luaL_dofile(m_luaState, script1Path); luaL_dofile(m_luaState, script2Path); luaL_dofile(m_luaSt... 
Posted October 13, 2008 2:59:29 PM
Cross platform gui toolkit and licence Hello everybody! Please provide me with a little help. I want to develop an application that i will be selling, in at least two version. Sell it without source code, and sell it with source code. The problem that im facing is that i dont k... 
Posted August 28, 2008 5:07:01 AM
Squirel - passing varibles between scripts Hi guys. Do you know if its posible and if it is, how can i pass varibles between squirel scripts? So i have like this - script 1 /////// variable varA; /////////// script 2 varible B = script1.varA; can i do something like... 
Posted August 21, 2008 2:44:41 AM
Games for windows Live and Opengl Hello guys Im a little confused about Games for windows Live. How does things work with this? And most importantly a game done with OpenGL can be included in Games for Windows Live or microsoft wants all the games to be directx only? Thank... 
Posted July 24, 2008 9:28:16 AM
multiplatform C++ librari for file upload and download Hello there I need a multiplatform library (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) for C++ that lets me upload a file to a ftp and download a file from a ftp. Do you guys know any? Thanks alot 
Posted July 22, 2008 5:43:07 AM
Grid based map editor in openGL Hi there Can you guys point me in some direction. I wanna do a map editor sort of like warcraft 3 map editor - or starcraft - only in 3D. So i need to know whats the best way to do this becouse i need to do cooling on it two. So becou... 
Posted May 22, 2008 2:46:00 PM
Passing a string to a callback function Hello Maybe you could help me with this. I have this function Function(void(COpenGL::*Callback)()); what i want to do is to pass to this function a string. so im thinking something like this string funcString = "COpenGL::Need... 
Posted May 16, 2008 3:04:19 AM
Tokamak problem with objects going throw each other Hi there, Im using tokamak to do 2d collision. I know its not the ideal way for doing 2d physics.But im almost there and tokamak is good for what i need. The problem im facing is like this. in the update function im puting all objects at positi... 
Posted April 22, 2008 2:06:14 PM
When puting the code to a static library the program crash in msvcr80.dll Hi there I put my code in a static lib - and then link it to my program - it compiles fine but when it starts running it crashes in msvcr80.dll. Can you guys tell me what could be the problem? Thanks alot 
Posted April 1, 2008 8:55:39 AM
index VBO with 2 index array ? is that posible? Hello there Im having trouble rendering my object with index VBO. I use the 3ds max importer from gameTutorials class (if any one knows that). The problem im facing is like this. i have this arrays vertexes Normals texturesUV Pro... 
Posted March 8, 2008 1:03:40 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
LNK2005 error [C++] you are defining those structures multiple times - basically you are including a header file multiple time. For instance file A - includes file C file B - includes file A and file C so when the compiler gets to file B it tries to redefine wha... 
Posted November 24, 2009 10:42:49 AM
QT vs GTK QT for sure - better documentation 
Posted April 20, 2009 3:22:42 AM
header file problem Ok - you have two solutions that i can see up front. One - move global variables in lighs.h - then lights.cpp and meshes.h and meshes.cpp will have access to them. Second make globals.h and put all your global variables there - and then include t... 
Posted October 31, 2008 8:06:06 AM
header file problem Im not realy sure since i dont really see the code - but if lights is included in Meshes, why not declare g_pd3dDevice in lights? If Meshes.cpp - contaings a class "class Meshes" do a forward declaration or something. If you show me your code i can h... 
Posted October 31, 2008 7:55:07 AM
C++/STL - Slow? SOLVED Hi I can tell you that using arrays over std::vector is faster. I tested this a while back. 
Posted October 31, 2008 4:53:18 AM
Cross-platform way to get files and folders inside a given folder I agree with SiCrane - WxWidget its what you need. Easy to use and very powerfull. 
Posted October 23, 2008 11:42:26 AM
Luabind/lua: calling a function from a specific script thanks alot - i will look into it 
Posted October 18, 2008 6:58:10 AM
Cross platform gui toolkit and licence Thanks alot for the help guys. I think im going to use wxWidget :) 
Posted August 28, 2008 6:48:30 AM
Cross platform gui toolkit and licence I most centainly dont undestand the GPL So if i make a program that uses gtk or wxwidget (dont make any modifications to them - only use the library to make interface) i can sell my software with and without the source code. all i have to do... 
Posted August 28, 2008 6:08:44 AM
I am a opengl beginner, I have a question about MATRIX. I suggest you look into Quaternions - there are alot of good tutorials out there Good luck  
Posted August 21, 2008 3:28:43 AM
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