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Get to know Sevans...  
Full Name Spencer Evans
Nickname Sevans 
State/Province, Country WI   United States
GD Gathering City Madison, WI, United States
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Job Title Student 
Job Description CS Undergrad 
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Member Since 3/14/2005 10:25:09 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Universal KeyCode? I am currently building a wrapper for DirectInput. I would like to use my own keycodes instead of the DirectInput keycodes. I am having trouble thinking up a good way to convert the DirectInput keycodes into my keycodes. Is there any universal key... 
Posted July 12, 2007 3:39:23 PM
Tile Organization Tool Hi, I have been using a map editor that only supports 1 texture file per map. It has begun to become a pain. I have been copying and pasting sections of tiles from one tile file into another tile file for far too long. Has anyone heard o... 
Posted July 11, 2007 10:15:52 PM
Map Format Hi all, I just have a quick question about map format. In the past, I have created maps that use a static size of memory. IE; map = new char[MAP_WIDTH * MAP_HEIGHT]; So, map memory footprints are the same each time. I have also read a few ar... 
Posted July 10, 2007 6:53:00 PM
How do you feel about Singletons in an Engine? Hi everyone, I have recently worked through all existing parts of the Enginuity article. I describes the backbone of a simple engine. The engine itself uses Singletons, and in some cases classes that very well could be singletons (all static membe... 
Posted July 3, 2007 11:32:45 AM
Scene Management Design Question Hi all, I'm back yet again with another question about the design of the simple engine I have been working on. I am currently attempting to design a simple scene management system. I am using a slight bit of facadism. Here is a UML diagr... 
Posted July 2, 2007 2:32:20 PM
Simple Game Engine Design - Handling Input Hi all, I have been working on a small game engine for a while now, and I have run into a bit of a bind. I currently have the following classes: IGuiElement - Any gui element. IWindow - A special type of gui element, implementation varies b... 
Posted June 29, 2007 10:17:16 PM
Engine Interface Design Poll Hi all, I am building a small engine from scratch. I have already followed a couple examples, "RPG Programming with DirectX" - small 3d engine "Enginuity" - the backbone of an engine And I have worked quite a bit with the Irrlicht Graphics en... 
Posted June 23, 2007 10:23:16 PM
Extra Layer for Detail Texture? Hi, I am having an implementation design block at the moment. I am building an isometric map class. The map is made up of layers. Layers are made up of cells. The standard iso-newb design. Before I ask my question let me layout a scenario: I h... 
Posted April 12, 2007 6:53:15 PM
Layer dimension independence Hi, Has anyone found a use for independently sized layers? So my design would look like this: class Cell { // some texture, some attributes, yada yada yada }; class Layer { int numRows; int numCols; int cellWidth; int... 
Posted April 13, 2007 3:23:25 PM
Design Programs? Hey guys and gals, Not 100% sure if this is the correct place but I have a simple question. Are there any nice, free software applications out there for creating design documents? I am interested in something that might use UML with comments. I a... 
Posted April 12, 2007 6:28:26 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
[4E6] Unofficial Screenshot Thread I'm glad to see everyone's project is coming along so well. We are still working on our backend and hashing out the project milestone timeline. The only progress I can put down so far is that we have decided to use Ogre3D, Newton Dynamics,... 
Posted October 31, 2007 11:24:58 AM
Finding Team Members Not a bad idea, but I know that many people around here really don't like it when posts are in the wrong forum and they may classify this as that, so don't worry if you get any heat on it. Anyways, I might get in touch once the competiti... 
Posted July 18, 2007 11:34:26 AM
Universal KeyCode? Well I am going to start implementing a translation table, between the DI codes and my codes, boo hoo. ^.^d BUT if anyone knows of a better way to do this by simply making a few fancy schmancy method calls please let me know. 
Posted July 12, 2007 3:52:55 PM
How do I add a char to a char array? Oldschool cstrings might not be your best bet here. Those character arrays cannot be dynamically expanded. Once you set it to a specific size (256 in your case) you cannot add a character at or passed array index 256. Your best bet (and easiest... 
Posted July 12, 2007 10:25:53 AM
Tile Organization Tool Thanks Born2Code :) At least now I know it is a very useful idea. I am debating between changing the map editor since it is open source, or writing my own organization tool. We'll see. Thanks again, -Sevans 
Posted July 12, 2007 10:02:58 AM
Tile Organization Tool Yeah, just a pain to write a new converter for a different map editor file format, but I think that is what I am going to do. I am definitely going to keep the tile organizer idea around, and maybe implement one myself. -Sevans 
Posted July 11, 2007 11:33:30 PM
Map Format /slaps forehead. Thanks, I thought something was wrong with my math. I should have just looked it up online. Just another reason why I hate 'concept only' taught courses. I should know that off the top of my head without looking it up...... 
Posted July 11, 2007 11:16:12 AM
How do you evaluate my plan to be a game programmer? Quote: Whatever language you choose, stick with it and learn it well. Many concepts remain the same across all languages, so you can take stuff with you when you move to another language. This is probably the most constructive comment on t... 
Posted July 6, 2007 11:35:38 AM
Transforming one object to "point" to another object Woot! Nice job Ally. That's exactly what I had in mind. Sorry I was not around to post it. -Sevans 
Posted July 5, 2007 3:22:51 PM
Function defining vs. prototyping Thanks for the touch up on my hasty comment Oluseyi. :P 
Posted July 3, 2007 4:12:57 PM
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