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Full Name Sergio J.  de los Santos
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Member Since 11/11/2001 8:25:31 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Indexed Texture Splatting: a new technique for terrain shading Hey Guys, For the last couple of weeks i had been working on a new technique for terrain shading, to be more precise how to blend a lot textures per patch. The idea was to find a something that works with Geometry Clipmaps, but since storage... 
Posted November 25, 2010 9:55:58 PM
Regnum Online Regnum Online is a project that NGD Studios have been working on for the past 4 years and it's currently on its open beta stage. NGD Studios is an independent game developer from Argentina, integrated by 4 programmers, 3 artists and 3 c... 
Posted October 14, 2006 1:47:20 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Optimal alignment of vertex data The vertex size is far more important for dynamic vertex buffers, because the CPU Memory Controller usually reads memory in aligned memory chunks of 64bytes, so if you use 48bytes per vertex, for some vertex will need one access and for others t... 
Posted December 31, 2010 9:48:36 AM
GPU clipmaps texture question Are you using D3D9 (or OpenGL 1.x/2.x) or D3D10/11 (or OpenGL 3.x/4.x)? If you are using D3D10 or up, you can use a Texture Array with the diferent textures in each slice in combination with a Index Map (a texture with indices). 
Posted December 6, 2010 1:49:13 PM
Indexed Texture Splatting: a new technique for terrain shading Hey skytiger, Actually i am using some slope based splatting in every material (for example one material could be sand and some rock, other grass with another kind of rock, and so on), using triplannar mapping (where one texture used... 
Posted November 26, 2010 12:20:21 PM
How to detect a DX10 GPU in DX9? Check D3DPMISCCAPS_MRTINDEPENDENTBITDEPTHS, D3D9 cards doen't support it, but D3D10 (and up) does. 
Posted November 18, 2010 8:14:09 PM
The question about DirectCompute and OpenCL. You can use OpenCL with OpenGL, Direct3D 9 and even Direct3D 10. However Direct Compute is part of Direct3D 11. 
Posted September 11, 2010 10:37:47 AM
World Cup 2010 It's the same with NBA players. Pau Gasol, Manu Ginobily, Dirk Nowitzki play on NBA Teams but they play for their national team on FIBA World Cups and Olympics games (Spain, Argentina and Germany respectively). 
Posted June 29, 2010 5:43:57 PM
Access Z buffer in D3D If you want to read a depth buffer as texture you need to use a vendor hack. Check this page: 
Posted April 14, 2010 5:57:26 AM
GPU usage if you are using Direct3D 9, use Queries: link If your are using D3D10/11, then use ID3D10Counter/ID3D11Counter: link [Edited by - SergioJdelos on October 31, 2009 8:02:14 AM] 
Posted October 31, 2009 9:02:25 AM
OpenGL3.0.. I mean 2.2 Quote:Original post by mrbastard Removal of Built-In uniforms -as GLSL has nothing like HLSL/FX's 'semantics' the built-in uniforms were handy for exchanging shaders between apps. Does the ARB have a better solution, GLFX maybe? (sorry, I've been u... 
Posted August 20, 2008 10:21:19 AM
Particle System Rendering Accuracy VS. Speed.... Or Both?? Quote:Original post by JohnBolton Except for using alpha test, there is no way around it -- alpha-blended polygons must be sorted back-to-front in order to look right. Additive Blending doesn´t need sort:) 
Posted February 7, 2006 9:48:10 AM
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