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Full Name Chris Jolly
Nickname CIJolly 
State/Province, Country Unknown Region   New Zealand
GD Gathering City Dunedin, Unknown Region, New Zealand
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Member Since 7/8/2005 7:35:13 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Published project jams during level load Hey everyone, after 7 weeks of coding, I've got my first complete game ready to publish. However, that process is somewhat hampered by the fact that it only runs on my own computer. The problem occurs when the game tries to load levels whic... 
Posted April 19, 2009 6:27:13 AM
Experiments/Ideas for retro displays. Pic heavy. Hey everyone, I've been working on a 4 player single PC game for a while, and am experimenting with different display directions. The idea is that home pc users are being indiscriminately recruited to pilot remote combat drones. So, the display... 
Posted April 12, 2009 1:20:12 AM
Drone Uplink: 2d artist wanted for 4 player shooter Team name: Drone Command Project name: Drone Uplink Brief description: Drone Uplink is the working title for a 1-4 player, single computer, split screen game which has been in development for 6 weeks. The game is on track for completio... 
Posted April 7, 2009 6:42:49 AM
Using Binary Serialization for Level storage a good idea? Hey everyone, just wanted to gauge what the general opinion was before I commited to this system for storing and loading my levels. I'm using XNA 3.0 to create a top down shooter, and am at the stage where there is enough content that hard coding... 
Posted March 30, 2009 5:37:18 AM
Ideas for a Modular Enemy AI I am working on a top down run and gun, and have finished the weapons. By making weapon modules which added things like submunitions, explosions, freezing, poison, etc, I was able to approach the situation in such a way as to make a wide variety... 
Posted March 14, 2009 9:32:56 PM
XNA viewport zoom I am making a 4 player 2d game, and want 4 viewports on one screen. Each player will see a half scaled version of the game in their quarter (Eg, circles or radius 16 become radius 8) If I set the viewport Height and Width to half screen... 
Posted March 11, 2009 8:06:48 PM
C# Passing a base class as a derived class. I have made a list of a class called PhysicalObject. ProjectileObject and CharacterObject are derived from PhysicalObject. These are all stored in the same PhysicalObject list, in order to perform the collision detection routines that are the same... 
Posted March 7, 2009 9:45:04 PM
Referencing objects in C# without using pointers Hey all. I'm returning to game coding after a long absence, and have switched to C# and XNA on the grounds that it makes everything a million times easier for a hobby coder such as myself. However, from what I am reading, pointers are somethi... 
Posted March 5, 2009 5:10:25 AM
How to get AI to recognise a hole or ledge I am making a 2D Super smash bros like game, and am ready to add AI. The AI is supposed to act like a player (eg, same abilities and moves), not like a drone (eg, walk left, then right, then left). How do I allow the AI to recognise and avoid holes,... 
Posted July 24, 2007 11:09:42 PM
Problem with getline I'm using fstream to handle the file in/out for my program. My conversation editor saves files to a txt file, and my game loads this txt file. My problem is how to load strings with spaces from the txt file. When I use this code: ifstre... 
Posted May 4, 2007 11:58:44 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Experiments/Ideas for retro displays. Pic heavy. Thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't even thought about that aspect of the visual style. Outline or backgrounded really would be an improvement. 
Posted April 13, 2009 4:25:46 AM
Using Binary Serialization for Level storage a good idea? Thanks for that. Just thought I'd double check before I committed to the method. 
Posted March 30, 2009 2:34:27 PM
Ideas for a Modular Enemy AI Thanks for the advice everyone. You've given me a lot of things to check out. 
Posted March 20, 2009 5:00:14 PM
XNA viewport zoom After a lot of searching, I never found how to to simply and automatically scale the entire screen the way the program did when I set the position to half the screen dimensions and didn't change the width. I ended up simply scaling all sprites and... 
Posted March 12, 2009 2:18:18 AM
AI Advice, Basic Zombies You're correct. I meant 49+48+47...etc, which is what my loop should do.The last zombie wont have to check any collisions, the first will check 49. 
Posted March 11, 2009 9:35:34 PM
AI Advice, Basic Zombies On your "expensiveness of 50 zombies" problem. The first optimisation is to bring it down to 50! rather than 50*50. To do this, when you iterate through the zombies to check collision, start each sub loop advanced by one, so: for (int i =... 
Posted March 11, 2009 6:06:22 PM
C# Passing a base class as a derived class. Wow, as easy as that! Thanks for the help. 
Posted March 9, 2009 8:57:41 PM
Referencing objects in C# without using pointers At Devfred. Wow. It's funny, that is exactly how I first tried to get things to target each other in C++. Of course, it all turned out to be much more complicated than that. But, that's really, really logical. Thanks for the heads up, who... 
Posted March 7, 2009 4:23:06 AM
How original do you have to be? Make your game as different as possible whenever possible. Listen to some of the interviews by the team that made portal. They started off indie and their design philosophy was that "innovation costs nothing." It's the one thing that can set s... 
Posted September 11, 2008 4:36:55 AM
how should I get into Physics Don't take this the wrong way, but what you're planning seems like a mighty step up from pong. It takes a long time to learn and impliment physics. There's a million little considerations and things that can go wrong. Problems with stacking, jitte... 
Posted January 24, 2008 2:23:29 PM
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