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Get to know Rossguy...  
Full Name Ross Turner
Nickname Rossguy 
State/Province, Country Lancashire   United Kingdom
GD Gathering City Burnley, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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Member Since 10/13/2005 7:48:44 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Bit Riot (a Bugbomber remake) in final beta! After an extended break thanks to final exams/coursework/dissertation, I've got back to finishing off my remake of the Amiga classic Bugbomber. Those of you who've played it know it's not "just another bomberman clone", it was one of the best mu... 
Posted July 7, 2006 2:55:14 PM
Bit Riot, a remake of Bugbomber Hi everyone, This is my first ever game and C++ application (other than a very simple Tetris clone) that I've made primarily to be the first part of my portfolio when looking for a game programming job, hopefully :) It's a remake of the Amiga/C... 
Posted February 25, 2006 7:03:48 PM
Programmer looking for an interesting project Hi there, I've replied to a couple of the help wanted ads here already but not heard anything back for a few days, so I've decided to offer my skills as a coder for any projects I'd be interested in. So then, a little about me: I'm a recent gradu... 
Posted July 10, 2006 10:00:27 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Flickering texture when moving sprite Are you using a backbuffer to render to first, or are you rendering directly to the pirmary display surface? This will cause the flicker you've described as the image is drawn to the screen... 
Posted January 12, 2007 10:26:40 AM
Calculating performance ? Quote:Original post by Twixly What I want to do is loop thru and vector with maybe 3000 monsters (not sure how many yet), check their status with a simple : Rather than looping through all monsters and checking their status, you only need... 
Posted January 12, 2007 7:06:37 AM
how to make projectiles Quote:Original post by Prog101 i would really appreciate if some could tell me how to structure this out. i want the boat to fire a ball at a time so when it is destroyed it will then and only then fire another. Quote:Original post by Anon... 
Posted January 12, 2007 6:12:18 AM
Difference when using derefered iterator? Quote:Original post by CTar Quote:Original post by bubu LV Quote:Original post by RossguyIntroduced only for syntactic sugar ORLY? YARLY! That is why they were introduced, but they can be used for more. Postfix ++ was also only i... 
Posted January 11, 2007 10:30:38 AM
Difference when using derefered iterator? The "->" expression was introduced precisely as a shorthand notation for (*pX).x(). Introduced only for syntactic sugar, most people will therefore prefer the latter. 
Posted January 11, 2007 9:29:52 AM
game board creation question A quick and dirty method to avoid the "piece of doom" where no random piece will fit, is to only reattempt to choose a piece x number of times, and if you reach this limit without a match being found, chuck the whole board away and generate a ne... 
Posted January 11, 2007 6:21:01 AM
What is a "sample"? I could be wrong but I think this is referring to when you use a rendering technique to draw more "pixels" than you will be drawing in the final image. The best example is anti-aliasing, which can also be called super-sampling, where you might "sampl... 
Posted January 11, 2007 4:54:45 AM
Calculating performance ? I'd say as long as you come up with a sensible design on paper, looking for optimisations *before* writing the code is a Bad Thing (TM). As long as you don't do something ridiculously inefficient in your code (and even if you do), the best bet i... 
Posted January 10, 2007 9:39:05 AM
C++ Inheritance Or are you asking how to use virtual functions? To extend from the AP's post: class Superclass { // methods and data...etc.. virtual void MyMethod(); }; class Subclass : public Superclass { // subclass's member functi... 
Posted January 10, 2007 6:47:11 AM
Where do I buy 2d art and 3d .x file art + animation? For 3D models, how about turbosquid? You might struggle with just looking for .x though, you should look into writing or using a 3d model format parser... 
Posted December 22, 2006 8:28:35 AM
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