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Get to know Craig_jb...  
Full Name Craig Bishop
Nickname Craig_jb 
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AIM ID deathinbottle9 
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Current Occupation
Job Title Lead Programmer 
Job Description Mango LLC 
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Member Since 2/16/2007 10:09:15 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Ray-cast onto plane I need to cast a ray from the position of a user's touch on a iOS device onto a plane on the XZ axis in OpenGL ES. I have code to build the ray points from the touch position and viewport size, and code to generate the inverse view*pr... 
Posted October 21, 2010 2:34:52 AM
glClear alpha on render target Hello all, I am rendering brush strokes in an application to a secondary framebuffer to later render them onto the main framebuffer. However, I am getting weird behavior when clearing the framebuffer. The alpha channel doesn't appear to cle... 
Posted July 22, 2010 2:39:17 AM
OpenGL 2D Camera I am trying to implement a camera system that ties into the scenegraph. Every object on the scenenode is passed a matrix from its parent node and multiplies its own matrix to that. Then the contents are rendered. The problem I have is setting... 
Posted December 9, 2009 12:56:28 PM
Inheriting Rotation in Scene Nodes I am currently working on a 2D scenegraph system. I have a scene node class that contains a Transform structure describing translation, scaling, and rotation. Child nodes of scene nodes inherit their parents' transformation and then transform... 
Posted November 15, 2009 1:38:56 AM
Eep! Eep! is an arcade side-scroller with a few twists. It was written by my pixel-artist friend and I over the course of three weeks. CONTROLS: - Jump: ALT or UP - Left and Right: LEFT and RIGHT CURSOR keys - Primary Attack: CTRL -... 
Posted June 6, 2008 11:53:49 AM
Loading Mesh From Stream with I am using custom datafiles for the storage of all my game's assets, but I am having trouble loading some resources into Irrlicht from it. Is there anyway to load Irrlicht animated meshs and textures from a .net stream? 
Posted August 19, 2008 8:28:26 PM
Passing va_list to vsprintf After a bit of googling I still can't figure out this one. This code causes a bus error (or segmentation fault on non-mac). void ErrorLogger::WriteError(std::string p_ErrorFormat, int p_BufferSize, ...) { // format the stri... 
Posted July 4, 2008 7:36:15 PM
Internal Memory VS SD Card I am coming to the end of developement on my home built, handheld gaming platform ( Two PIC microcontrollers, cell phone screen, and external memory). The only problem I'm having is deciding what type of storage to use for games. I have n... 
Posted October 6, 2007 12:45:03 AM
Moving Sprite Squishing in Managed DirectX In my tilemap engine written in Managed DirectX I am have trouble with scrolling the map. When I move the map or any sprite for that matter, I get a sort of ghosting effect on all the graphics. The Sprites appear thinner until the movement sto... 
Posted September 24, 2007 8:38:13 PM
Problem With A* Pathfinding I am having trouble finding a few errors in my code for A*. I use an object oriented approach to make it simpler to use from the game. The Collision field is represented as an array of booleans. In my result, the red squares are barriers, and th... 
Posted July 3, 2007 12:40:42 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Xgamestation Some inspiration: GameSphere 
Posted July 14, 2010 4:34:46 AM
openGl ES for iphone vector libraries When I was doing engine development for the iPhone, I used the Configurable Math Library: It works well, however I don't know whether it will be updated to make use of the iPhone/iPad vector/SIMD processors. If you want some rea... 
Posted June 20, 2010 9:44:16 PM
OpenGL ES - iPhone - Textures NOT power of 2 You must load a power of 2 texture to avoid distortion or memory issues. However, you can render any shape portion out of that texture. You use the texture mapping coordinates on your vertices to specify what portion to render, whether it be p... 
Posted June 19, 2010 10:30:11 AM
Good game idea I wonder if this is another one of those joke posts? I see one every once in a while. Someone will post a terrible cliche post like this just to get a kick (except usually about making a WoW beater). Problem is... sometimes people d... 
Posted September 24, 2009 1:24:55 AM
Displaying tile coordinates with the mouse position on the map.. Add the current offset or scroll position to the mouse y value then divide by 64. g_ptTilePos.y = (y + offsetY) / TILE_HEIGHT; 
Posted March 21, 2009 3:13:37 AM
3D RTS Project Seeks Concept Artists, 3D Modelers, etc! (screens!) Your title, Magnum Apparatus, should be Magnus Apparatus. In Latin, magnus must agree in gender and case with Apparatus. 
Posted February 12, 2009 6:35:14 PM
tileset road Google it... my favorite source is 
Posted January 22, 2009 1:51:22 AM
Communicating with hardware Usually you will use the PC parallel port. Here is a site showing how to connect an LED to the parallel port EDIT: Or you can use a TTL level converter(Max233 i rec... 
Posted January 21, 2009 12:22:14 AM
HELP! Looks like you forgot to link the library. 
Posted September 6, 2008 11:38:43 AM
Loading Mesh From Stream with I could store all the game's meshes and textures in a zip file which irrlicht can load from and store all the other data in the custom datafiles. However, I would like to stick to one not two resource locations. Any help appreciated! 
Posted August 21, 2008 12:10:21 AM
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