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Member Since 4/28/2005 5:06:11 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Would you use this VS2010 extension? Hi GDNetters, I've developed an extension for Visual Studio 2010 which enables to dock any window within the VS Shell. It's currently very bare-bones. It works, but exhibits quite a few glitches, although it's fine for my personal usage. For ex... 
Posted August 26, 2010 10:18:42 AM
Fishy A* behavior Hello GDNet, long time no posted :) While looking into my A* pathfinding code, I've noticed that a condition which I thought happened quite unfrequently was actually happening very often: when attempting to add nodes to the open list, finding that... 
Posted May 23, 2010 11:51:08 AM
Rotating normal-mapped sprites Hello! I've been toying with normal-mapped sprites and have implemented it quite successfully. However, I'm having trouble with rotations. When I rotate my sprites, the normals are kept unrotated so they do not light as they should. I've tried to... 
Posted January 20, 2010 12:36:14 PM
Texture masking Hi all! I have a 128x128 alpha, 8bpp texture which is dynamically updated with values of 0 and 255 indicating if the corresponding tiles of my world are walkable. I have two other static textures: a ground texture and an obstacle texture. I want t... 
Posted December 6, 2009 9:58:41 PM
Entity Collection Modifications Hi! I'm currently working on a classic RTS game (like Starcraft or Age of Empires) as a school project. Entities are currently stored in a simple list, but because of performance problems, I am going to change that to use two collections: a s... 
Posted October 9, 2009 9:02:32 AM
[winapi] Transparent key remapping Hello, I'm thinking about implementing a custom keyboard layout application based on a system-wide keyboard hook which modifies the mapping of the keys or something similar. I am aware of Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator (MSKLC) and Portable... 
Posted July 22, 2009 6:30:13 PM
gplex/ggpg ast generation Hello! I'm trying to create an AST for what is currently a simple calculator language using a GPPG/GPLEX-generated parser. I've never used a parser generator before and I wasn't lucky in trying to find similar samples with google (there are tons o... 
Posted July 12, 2009 5:40:24 PM
About MSVS "Shell Integrated Mode" Hello, As I wanted to discover F#, I found out the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Shell (integrated mode). I downloaded and installed it, then I installed the F# package. Everything works fine. Now I have a few questions: 1- Is the VS Shell Inte... 
Posted May 2, 2009 1:03:51 PM
C# for games in college class Hi! In my current college session, I have this course called Project Management where we do mostly Python applications. In the next session, this fall, the same teacher gives a course where all the ~20 students will have to work together on a... 
Posted April 4, 2009 10:17:35 AM
BaboViolent 2 BaboViolent 2 BaboViolent 2 is a free multiplayer top-down shooter developed by RndLabs. This game let's you control a raging sphere (known as a "Babo") and massive weapons in order to slain as many opponents as possible and ultimately claim the... 
Posted March 7, 2007 7:58:58 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
New Set to Launch in Early 2011 I've been loosely following the development of the new and I'm eager to see it live. Good job, the new site looks greatly improved! 
Posted December 26, 2010 8:23:22 AM
Would you use this VS2010 extension? I just tested, embedding explorer windows works well. When I say "works well", I mean it's useable. Applications typically do not behave perfectly once docked in VS, and I don't think there's much to do about it as I consider my docking trick... 
Posted August 26, 2010 11:37:35 AM
Would you use this VS2010 extension? Yeah, multiple displays (and virtual desktops) rock, I agree they are generally much more useful than my extension. It is a more of a small gimmick that can be useful once in a while. I can't say I've used it often myself but it has still been f... 
Posted August 26, 2010 11:09:39 AM
Just went from WinXP to Win7 (nanoRant) I actually love pasting in a command window. You can do it with this cool keyboard shortcut: alt+space, E, P It's even cooler if you're using Windows in french, as I am: alt+space, M, O Yes, it's weird, but it impresses work collegues :) 
Posted August 26, 2010 10:41:04 AM
The Daily GameDev.Net Quote:Original post by frob Quote:Original post by Trillian Although I'm no fan of motion controllers, there's no doubt to me I've definitely bought the right console. That kind of thinking is so annoying to read. There is no "right" console. ... 
Posted June 16, 2010 6:04:20 PM
The Daily GameDev.Net Quote:and other stuff that is too boring to actually mention. Maybe I'm just a Nintendo fanboy, but I think GoldenEye 007, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby Epic Yarn, Metroid: Other M and Kid Icarus are definitely not too boring to mention! Pret... 
Posted June 15, 2010 9:30:41 PM
Fishy A* behavior I've done some additional tests and am now I understand more of what's going on, and it seems it could be normal. First, I've tested what happens if the path is perfectly diagonal. In that case, shorter path to open nodes are never found eith... 
Posted May 23, 2010 4:21:02 PM
Fishy A* behavior I've just checked and it seems to happen only when the unit has to move diagonally. I still can't quite understand why there would be two paths diverging and merging back, as you (MortenB) suggest. I'll have a closer look at this. 
Posted May 23, 2010 12:27:44 PM
Fishy A* behavior Oops, sorry, I should have mentioned it: I'm using a simple euclidian distance for the movement cost between grid cells as well as the H cost. Diagonal movements are allowed and have a cost of sqrt(2). 
Posted May 23, 2010 12:14:25 PM
Scaleform Announces GFx 3.2 with 3Di and AMP Profiler The links are broken, they lack an "http://" prefix. 
Posted April 8, 2010 9:52:34 AM
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