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Member Since 6/21/2004 12:10:15 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
engine shots otto is a 3D graphics engine and framework I have developed accompanying my computer science studies. Currently it consists of about 32,000 LOC with another 18,000 lines of documentation and comments. I intend to make it open source soon. For mor... 
Posted December 4, 2006 9:03:04 PM
clipping plane transformation for reflection hello, I need some help trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. I am currently implementing water with reflection for my engine. I use an FBO for render to texture method to render the reflection into a texture. Hence, on my first renderi... 
Posted October 31, 2006 3:21:02 PM
Stencil Shadow Volume Flickering hello GameDev community. I'm currently onto implementing shadows into my engine using shadow volumes based on stencil operations. I've made my first progress, silhouette extraction and capping seems to work fine. At the current stage, I... 
Posted October 11, 2006 2:03:33 PM
terrain texture transitions ?!? Please help me out again, I'm not getting to where I wish to be on my bsp terrain texturing! Consider the following picture please [URL] 
Posted July 8, 2004 4:39:14 PM
BSP: blending, merging, splatting? hello all, I'm sure I'm not the first to ask this or a similar question, but I've searched this and so many other forums, as well as google and papers for a concrete answer and I cannot seem to find one. So I'll have to bother you guys :) Sor... 
Posted July 2, 2004 6:10:43 AM
engine architecture: renderer class? I'm currently onto developing an OO game engine, having each renderable object possess a "rendering" method, which gets called upon traversing the object tree. While trying to create an extendable architecture, currently running on OpenGL,... 
Posted June 21, 2004 12:15:31 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
engine shots Thanks I'll be setting up a demo for download soon. I'd like to do a few more optimizations before I make it available. 
Posted December 5, 2006 9:47:19 AM
clipping plane transformation for reflection SOLVED ------- After some more headaches, the above doesn't really make sense. Even though I really did read the above info more than once, the glClipPlane def. describes clipping to be done in eye coordinates, not in clip coordinates. He... 
Posted November 1, 2006 9:10:10 AM
Stencil Shadow Volume Flickering Günther, that was fast, precise and the miracle answer I was looking for. When I come to think about it, no miracle at all, just logic sense. It figures, the offset works perfetly. Thanks a lot, vielen Dank ;) 
Posted October 12, 2006 11:31:21 AM
terrain texture transitions ?!? no splatting, no vertex shaders, I got it to work now using regular combiners with alpha blending :) Thanx for the reply though Cheers 
Posted July 9, 2004 8:54:51 AM
BSP: blending, merging, splatting? many thanks, I'll look into that as well 
Posted July 3, 2004 12:24:14 AM
BSP: blending, merging, splatting? no benjamin, decals is not what I mean, I'm talking about fading from one texture unit to the next, and multiplicative multitexturing doesn't do the job. I just read on another forum that I might want to try getting into vretex programs.... 
Posted July 2, 2004 3:36:57 PM
engine architecture: renderer class? thanks for your replies, great community @Daishi:'s "OpenGL Game Programming" book was my very first reference on engine architecture, and they've had their sample game implemented using this Draw method for each and every single... 
Posted June 21, 2004 2:40:07 PM
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