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Member Since 9/24/2004 11:40:02 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
CameraPosition in GLSL I'm in a GLSL shader and I would like to have the camera position. Preferably I would like not having to feed it through a variable. Is it stored somewhere or is there a quick way to compute it ?  
Posted August 21, 2010 5:32:17 PM
Overhead of winsock's TCP/IP packets Does anybody know what is the overhead of winsock's send() ? 1. Let's say I do 2 consecutive send of 5 bytes each, will it send a single TCP/IP packet with 10 bytes of content ( plus it's TCP/IP wrapper ) ? Or will it send 2 packets and thus have... 
Posted August 5, 2010 4:26:34 PM
LUA swig, trying to pass a primitive by reference I have the following C++ class : class SwiggedClass { public: static bool SwiggedFunction(float *f) { *f = 10; } }; Let's say i'm in the lua code and I write : local val = 12.0 game.SwiggedClass_SwiggedFunction(val) it... 
Posted January 17, 2010 2:00:08 AM
My Tyrian2K remake I used to be a big fan of the game Tyrian2K. I decided to program a remake. I made many games over the years, but this is the first one that I brought to the end. I used OpenGL/OpenAL. Feel free to try it : 
Posted January 24, 2009 3:02:41 AM
VC++ Starting an application in debug causes a crash before the main( ) I have this application that crashes before the main (even before the WinMainCRTStartup). It doesn't matter if I am compiling with optimizations "on" or "off". The weird thing is, it never crashes on the 32bit PC with the same visual studio... 
Posted January 17, 2009 9:37:11 PM
Ambient lighting issue When I draw my mesh, the only light that affects it is the directionnal light. The ambient light has NO effect at all. Did I forgot something ? Could I have "disabled" or "void" it in some way ? (I did not touch D3DRS_AMBIENT for the rest of t... 
Posted October 13, 2006 4:30:36 PM
STL map mapping a map I am trying to make a map that maps unsigned int to other maps what I want to do is this : map<unsigned int, map<unsigned int, Unit*>> blockUnits; but I am getting : error C2947 : expection '>' to terminate template-argume... 
Posted September 7, 2006 10:33:30 PM
fread issue When I open a file in text mode, and I get the size of that file, the size is wrong if my text in on multiple lines. The following piece of code causes fread to be unable to read the file if the text in the file is on multiple lines. FI... 
Posted August 15, 2006 3:36:29 PM
how to get genuine 24 bits DX texture I am currently using a bunch of big pictures (2048x2048 RGB). It takes up most of the ram of my game. Unfortunately, I was not able to create a genuine RGB texture. It seems like D3DFMT_R8G8B8 is the same thing as D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 (1- they both t... 
Posted August 4, 2006 1:16:40 PM
DX - how to fade out/in the trensparency of a mesh I need to have a few models appear from thin air, and disapear the same way. I was wondering, is there an easy/performant way to fade in or fade out the transparency of a mesh in DX beside using shaders ? Thanks 
Posted May 9, 2006 2:44:58 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
glvertexpointer, stride, performance Seems like it's a caching issue. Having too large of a stride or unpredictable stride probably causes a lot of cache misses. I would suggest precomputing the pages for the LOD you want. You could reuse those precomputed pages and recompute the... 
Posted November 28, 2010 7:53:58 PM
Opengl texture memory management question According to the OpenGL Doc : GL_LUMINANCE Each element is a single luminance value. The GL converts it to floating point, then assembles it into an RGBA element by replicating the lu... 
Posted September 1, 2010 3:29:49 PM
Opengl texture memory management question To piggy back on your thread: I wonder how OpenGL deals with a single channel texture. If I have a texture that's nothing more than a grayscale texture, and I create a texture as GL_ALPHA; will it create a RGBA anyway and just fill the A ? ... 
Posted September 1, 2010 2:34:36 PM
Shader 1 fps I am not surprised AT ALL that you have 1 FPS. Branching is the enemy #1 of shaders ... and you have a LOT of branching in there. Suggestions : 1- make different shaders for different applications 2- unroll your loops 3- prefer code duplicat... 
Posted August 16, 2010 4:57:28 PM
How to render a road in terrain imlpemented in height map? Using multitexturing, it is very cheap : 1-Use a few high rez images (ie : grass, rocks ... etc) that you will be reusing on hundreds of terrain blocks 2-Use a different low-rez texture that says how much of each texture to use for a pixel (ie... 
Posted July 8, 2010 12:57:53 PM
How to render a road in terrain imlpemented in height map? Shader's Multi texturing is the #1 way to go. #2 way to go would be to have LOTS of different textures (one texture per "block") 
Posted July 8, 2010 12:29:36 PM
WoW server technique There are many unofficial wow server out there. Most of them with availlable source code.  
Posted June 10, 2010 4:53:09 PM
Visual Studio inline assembly problems... I ignore the correct answer to your question. If I had to make a guess, I would say that the compiler doesn't know that the Ret variable is used in the assembly and it optimizes it out. What you are looking as the "correct" result in the memory is... 
Posted May 7, 2010 6:25:16 PM
Offered - Free tracks for use or composition on request... Thanks, I liked the music, especially that "A big moment coming". I just sent you an e-mail.  
Posted January 29, 2010 8:28:31 AM
So how do the pros really do it? Most games company DO use a bunch of #define to make their games platform specific (ie : X360, PS3 ... etc). Blizzard is a little different in that aspect since the same executable will work for both directX and openGL depending on a command... 
Posted January 1, 2010 12:44:11 AM
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