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Member Since 1/28/2004 5:42:19 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
pico plugin for maya Hi, I wanted to present our plugin for Maya called pico. It's basically a graphics engine and also a fast GPU based renderer. The basic rule is - "You have 100% preview of what you'll see in your game or standalone application". This includes logi... 
Posted December 11, 2008 7:13:13 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
pico plugin for maya Krokhin: long ago I wrote a small paper describing the shading engine graph. 
Posted December 15, 2008 2:09:25 PM
pico plugin for maya Shadows are currently implemented with shadow maps techniques only. In the future we will add a builtin baker for ambient occlusion. Pico does not interpret Maya shaders. You have pico shaders which you can build from the blocks (it's a shad... 
Posted December 14, 2008 5:37:11 AM
pico plugin for maya ndatxcod: Thanks for kind words. Basically whatever we are doing in our commercial or demoscene projects time space we are using only pico. This time we wanted to open it for public so we would be able to keep some kind of discipline for the way... 
Posted December 12, 2008 5:05:48 PM
The Creative Contest thread (follow-up) RipTorn: I'll say that your demo Is my favourite. This is because of the work You spent on doing it (as far as I'm concerned this is the coefficient that hasn't been noticed by anyone on that forum (except neHe Lover ). I see that You've put tons... 
Posted February 27, 2004 4:21:35 AM
The Creative Contest thread (follow-up) Good one, but I’ve got no sound, and it resets my sys at the end. Here’s my config: Win2000 SoundBlaster Live and Radeon9700PRO. But I think It is still one of the best. I like The Rhino Island much. Michael Wallace... 
Posted February 19, 2004 8:33:13 AM
The Creative Contest thread (follow-up) DarkWing - I've updated the page with our first production. It's really crappy but the music is fine . And It shows that we're total amateurs . [edited by - bonzaj on February 19, 2004 7:12:14 AM] 
Posted February 19, 2004 7:03:26 AM
The Creative Contest thread (follow-up) Ok then here goes: sorry for the size I was compressing for the first time, and didn't know how to use it correctly. Now I know that I could made it with better quality and with half of it's final size. ... 
Posted February 19, 2004 5:23:12 AM
The Creative Contest thread (follow-up) Nehe Lover - Can I put the link to this divx on this forum? There is also a demo on that page - so it will probably speed up downloading a bit. BTW Its about 4:00 at night in Canada - aren't You sleepy? [edited by - bonzaj ... 
Posted February 19, 2004 4:41:32 AM
The Creative Contest thread (follow-up) 70 MB demo - wow - ours has "only" 21 megs. NeHe lover please could You tell Jeff to write a link to divx of our demo in the description? It can run only on geForceFX or Radeon9500+, and on geForceFX5200 it does about 7fps on "... 
Posted February 19, 2004 4:05:01 AM
The Creative Contest thread (follow-up) Ahh, don’t worry then, we’re total amateurs ... students of mathematics. Cheers BTW maybe It’s not our work ... maybe there’s a RINGER that made another underwater demo. 
Posted February 17, 2004 2:09:01 PM
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