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Member Since 9/27/2006 4:57:15 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Space invaders: remake Hi :) This is my latest creation. Basicaly it is a space invaders type game. Its very simple to play, was also kinda simple to make. i tried to tie up all the lose ends, and there shouldnt be too many bugs in the game. I have a windows port and... 
Posted September 27, 2006 12:04:16 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Planitia - A Simple RTS With Deformable Terrain Dude, i love it. Do not change the units, they give the game a realy fresh feeling. To me it just looks sweet. If i were you, i would also make the houses billboard, and trees if you got any planned. Anything that stand out of the terrain on it'... 
Posted February 6, 2008 7:52:21 AM
Malware warning Guess it didn't realize it's GameDev not GamePlay :D:D:D:D 
Posted January 14, 2008 12:42:08 AM
Console peripherals are Weapons! They probably got 5 years added just becouse they used the zapperz, an made a fool of the police. :D 
Posted November 3, 2007 3:12:00 AM
Nintendo opens the Wii to independent game developers If you want to create a game for the Wii there is an option, though it is striped of the many things you can do with the controller. Because the Wii has a web browser, you can create and play flash games on it. You can still make fun games, alth... 
Posted June 28, 2007 2:14:32 AM
Titanic Challenge You've done realy well. And I don't know why everybody is dising the graphics. I think that they are just as good of an achivement as the programming. They look good, it shows that you have talent for both. It's not easy doing 2D animation, especialy... 
Posted May 6, 2007 5:39:54 AM
Debian Live bootable CD for PS3 Quote:Original post by Ravuya Quote:Original post by Wardyahh so how does the softmod work then ? on the xbox i mean :)Telling you violates the US DMCA, and would thus be a bannable offense. Personaly, i think that softmoding itself shoul... 
Posted January 19, 2007 7:48:36 AM
New Nintendo Dev Tool Well a cursor or a gun realy isn't that hard to implement, as you simply calculate from the tilt and position of remote where to the screen it points. You draw a pointer or crosshair at that point, and the player will automaticaly keep it on scr... 
Posted October 17, 2006 5:39:28 AM
Space invaders: remake Thanks for the comments. About the sound, i would like to implement them, but i don't know where to get free sounds for the game, and i dont have the equipement to record them myself. i wanted to make the game easy to learn, but hard to play, like... 
Posted September 28, 2006 6:02:27 AM
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