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Get to know synth_cat...  
Full Name Greg Philbrick
Nickname synth_cat 
State/Province, Country CA   United States
GD Gathering City Ridgecrest, CA, United States
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Member Since 6/13/2006 12:01:40 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
CellZenith Demo CellZenith I have been working on this game for a few years now, and my first demo is finally ready for testing. This game is a unique simulation/top-down shooter with some minor strategy elements. I wrote this in Visual C++ 2005 with made-... 
Posted January 24, 2007 10:11:17 PM
New CellZenith Demo After much work I've come up with the next demo of CellZenith. This game is in its completed state now. The full game is finished, and I am currently seeking to get it published. > Get the new demo at > Watch the traile... 
Posted December 15, 2007 3:31:46 PM
bad to have many files open at once? My game currently uses streaming music. Whenever I switch from one song to another (which involves closing the first file and opening/initializing the second one) it causes a nasty lurch in the game. Is it OK for me to just open all the... 
Posted June 6, 2008 10:49:41 PM
does ogg BSD license require me to post specific copyright notice? I am working on a commercial game which statically links to the ogg vorbis libraries, so I must abide by the terms of the BSD license which comes with the libraries. The license contains this phrase: Quote: Redistributions in binary form mu... 
Posted June 3, 2008 2:38:23 PM
how exactly to setup Ogg? Hello all, I want to use the Ogg format in my game in order to reduce download size. Thus I need to integrate the Ogg/Vorbis library (or just Ogg?) into my current project, which is being made in VC++2005 Express. I went over to the Ogg Vorbis... 
Posted December 1, 2007 1:40:00 AM
does directsound have to have all sounds in same format? Does DirectSound support having multiple buffers playing sounds at different formats (different bits per sample, different number of channels, etc)? I want to be as safe as possible - I am particularly worried about potential problems with Vista (... 
Posted May 30, 2008 11:16:52 AM
which way to do streaming sounds? I'm currently trying to play streaming music in DirectSound and there is something that I don't understand. Am I supposed to load an entire song into system memory and just move it piece by piece into the DirectSound buffer? Or is the correct met... 
Posted April 24, 2008 10:31:25 PM
how to make .chm-like help files? Hello all, I'm sure some of you have used the DirectX documentation files (such as directx9_c.chm) These files give you a nice, neat table of contents, an index, and a way to search for keywords. I am currently making a game design document wh... 
Posted April 23, 2008 11:43:42 PM
how to debug based on hex address of bad instruction Someone recently tested my game and got the error "The instruction at '0x0048e8d4' referenced memory at '0x00000000'. The memory could not be 'read'." This seems to me like a null pointer problem to me. The problem is I have no idea where in my g... 
Posted April 17, 2008 1:46:28 AM
win32 problems forcing mouse to center of screen (fps style) I know this must have been covered, but so far the advice I have uncovered has not worked. I am in Win32 trying to make a fps style game where the cursor is kept at the center of the screen. I am using Win API calls for mouse movement so the... 
Posted April 10, 2008 3:19:10 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Bitmap Font Rendering I was just doing more or less the same thing using a custom font texture in OpenGL. I don't know if you're using OpenGL or not, but if you are, be warned: if you are using glBegin() and glEnd() for each letter, you could take a serious speed penalt... 
Posted January 5, 2011 1:27:45 AM
When are Choices Trivial Choices I think a good rule to follow is to not throw everything at the player at once. Back to the ship cargo thing - it would probably be a good idea for the game to begin with a ship which is smaller/has less customizable options. Players don't lik... 
Posted June 18, 2008 7:27:08 PM
Ancient Quest of Saqqarah I'll second that - this is gorgeous! 
Posted June 17, 2008 8:45:14 PM
Galactic Justice I played through a lot of it and was able to get eight badges. It's very good! I especially like the visuals. This game has a very good aesthetic. The in-game graphics and the GUI were just great. I particularly liked the way the orbs looked. ... 
Posted June 10, 2008 2:13:23 PM
bad to have many files open at once? Well I have implemented having all the song files being kept open continuously. Thus far it seems to work very well; the lurch from switching between songs is drastically reduced, and often completely absent. But still, are there any hazards I sh... 
Posted June 7, 2008 8:38:58 PM
bad to have many files open at once? @Aressera: I agree with what you're saying. However, I already know that once my file is open, doing anything on it is extremely fast (ie, if I'm looping one streaming sound there is no lurch at all when I loop back to the start of t... 
Posted June 7, 2008 11:14:10 AM
bad to have many files open at once? Quote: I suspect that the 3rd party library you are using causes the lurch because it tries to preload a decent chunk of the start of the file when you tell it to start playing. Yes, I am basically using the ogg vorbis libraries to stream ogg f... 
Posted June 7, 2008 2:30:26 AM
bad to have many files open at once? But is it any riskier to have 10 files open continuously than it is to have one file open continuously? Because I'm going to have to have one file open continuously no matter what, seeing as I'm streaming music. 
Posted June 7, 2008 12:01:05 AM
bad to have many files open at once? What are the risks to keeping my files open the whole time? (I can't afford to load all the data into memory - it's far too much.) 
Posted June 6, 2008 11:28:07 PM
does ogg BSD license require me to post specific copyright notice? Quote: No. Generally it'd be in a file somewhere, such as "license.vorbis.txt" or something. Would you do what the license says and reprint the exact ogg vorbis terms that are on the site? I was curious since it just wouldn't make much sens... 
Posted June 3, 2008 9:45:22 PM
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