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Member Since 10/12/2005 5:24:26 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Programmer Design Freedom in your workplace This has been bugging me for a while now, and I'd really like to see the state of things out there. Now I know this kind of thing varies between workplace to workplace, so I'll make it more of a consensus rather than a full-on question: In your wo... 
Posted July 9, 2008 4:06:13 PM
Generate a random unit vector. Are there any well-known ways to quickly generate a random unit vector in 3D space? Heres what I'm doing now: (In C++) Vector(rand()%100 - 50,rand()%100 - 50,rand()%100 - 50); // I could exchange the rand for a mersenne twister I suppose. Ve... 
Posted July 3, 2008 3:02:10 AM
Metaballs Demo Someone integrated some nice Metaball code into Irrlicht, so I optimized it a bit, and added refraction and reflection with fresnal. I figured someone on here would get a kick out of staring at shiny, blobby stuff. Some of the optimizations i... 
Posted May 16, 2008 5:43:30 PM
Flex rules Hey guys I'm just starting out with Flex 2.0 development and I'm really liking it. Unfortunately the Adobe reference docs are good but lack alot of depth, there are also alot of examples and tutorials online for basic things, but needless to... 
Posted April 20, 2008 12:31:22 AM
Point Lit Shadowmaps in Irrlicht Ok, so everyone is al 
Posted March 14, 2008 11:31:41 AM
Ship Variety Shader Hey guys I was messing around with shaders and I made one from scratch (Probably the first time I made one from scratch instead of converting others to suit my needs.). It is highly influenced by Ysaneya's ship shading (But not quite as goo... 
Posted July 29, 2007 9:22:51 PM
Software Engineering VS Computer Science Hey guys, can I get some advice on differences of these courses and also your opinions on which one is better. I know that software engineering is more of a prestigous course because its an engineering subject and that computer science... 
Posted January 30, 2007 11:38:12 AM
How old is the competition? Hey guys, I was just wondering how old is everyone competing? Me, im 17. Id just like to know in the end if I got beaten by a 13 year old :P 
Posted July 11, 2006 10:49:39 PM
Mouse Click Hey guys I want to make the mouse "click", without the user actually pressing the button. I do not wish to merely give the appearance that the mouse is clicked but the program I intend to make is a "clicker" program that clicks the mouse automaticall... 
Posted July 25, 2006 8:47:46 AM
Scripting Hi guys, this is BlindSide, I entered a game into the 4E4 contest, "Susano". If you play it you will notice it is a very simple game, and lacks some functionality story-wise. That aside I thought it was pretty decent for my first ever C++ program :D.... 
Posted November 7, 2005 3:15:07 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Ray tracer performance Hi, you can try mine from here: Been a while since I worked on it... 
Posted June 24, 2010 8:12:27 PM
Magic Run: My first Silverlight game Ha! I recognized those character graphics instantly. I even used them in this short tutorial showing how to upscale them while retaining some degree of detail: It may interest you in particular! 
Posted May 23, 2009 2:20:40 AM
Improved PCF Shadowmaps Quote:Original post by doronf 4 samples based bilinear filtering is implemented in hardware this days so you don't have to do the calculation manually. Unfortunately, this type of filtering can not be applied directly to shadow maps because it will... 
Posted May 11, 2009 3:39:29 AM
Improved PCF Shadowmaps IMHO I think that a common misconception is that taking 4 samples and averaging them out is considered PCF. Think about it "Percentage closer filtering". Where in this operation are you taking into account the "percentage closer" part? Infact, I have... 
Posted May 4, 2009 2:23:00 AM
Unknown Horizons are waiting for you This looks really nice, I'm going to give it a try right now. Were you inspired by any previous games e.g. Settlers? 
Posted March 10, 2009 4:03:52 AM
Project 'Titan' 3D Outdoor FPS Quote:Original post by cherryyosh Quote:Original post by dacredens what's next gen about this? Where does this site say it needs to be next gen?? I think he's referring to the ops website: Quote:Glen's Web Portal is pleased to present a... 
Posted February 10, 2009 8:58:14 PM
XNA - Texture wrapping stopped working moving from Xbox to Windows How does it look with TextureAddressMode.Mirror? Does it still clamp? That aside, the art looks absolutely wonderful! Especially on the tv set. 
Posted January 20, 2009 6:44:31 AM
volumetric light There is the simpler, obvious solution of just placing a large number of transparent billboards interleaved in the same vicinity, combined with some post processing that might work out for you? 
Posted December 19, 2008 8:55:37 PM
Screen Space Normals (SSN) + SSAO He's using RLE voxels iirc. The SSAO looks spectacular, but what are those faint scanline looking rectangles on the right side of the screen? 
Posted December 19, 2008 8:46:47 PM
Sri Lankas first racing game/More speed demo Hmmm, from what I gather the game is XNA and the car shown in the pic is a Toyota Celica GT4. I would definately like more information too. 
Posted November 27, 2008 7:53:02 PM
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