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Get to know sprite2005...  
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Nickname sprite2005 
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Member Since 3/6/2007 4:33:10 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Urban Warfare BETA - FullSail Project [SCREENS ADDED] Here is a beta build of a game we are working. It is a 6 person 5 month school project (1 month design, 1 month tech design, ~2.5 months implementation) we currently have about 2.5 weeks until final build is due. The game is a first person shooter... 
Posted March 6, 2007 4:36:52 AM
Urban Warfare BETA - FullSail Project Here is a beta build of a game we are working. It is a 6 person 5 month school project (1 month design, 1 month tech design, ~2.5 months implementation) we currently have about 2.5 weeks until final build is due. The game is a first person shooter... 
Posted March 6, 2007 11:11:15 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Urban Warfare BETA - FullSail Project [SCREENS ADDED] The game can be downloaded at URBAN WARFARE ONLINE 
Posted March 28, 2007 11:26:39 AM
Urban Warfare BETA - FullSail Project Thank you. These are not our final textures though so look may change a bit. 
Posted March 7, 2007 1:36:53 AM
Urban Warfare BETA - FullSail Project [SCREENS ADDED] Screenshots:  
Posted March 6, 2007 8:30:41 PM
Urban Warfare BETA - FullSail Project [SCREENS ADDED] Installer has been updated with the proper DLLs now. Screenshots will be added tomorrow. 
Posted March 6, 2007 5:40:16 AM
Urban Warfare BETA - FullSail Project [SCREENS ADDED] Quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster Lets see where to begin. First off it's generally considered good taste to include some screenshots if you want people to download and test your game. Second, your 'game' installed into a "Program Files\Yo... 
Posted March 6, 2007 5:17:13 AM
Urban Warfare BETA - FullSail Project [SCREENS ADDED] Quote:Original post by ViLiO Sounds interesting, a few screenshots would be nice [smile] Regards, ViLiO I'll get some posted tomorrow. The portals are created with the 'Portal Gun' and you can run, shoot and throw grenades through them. 
Posted March 6, 2007 4:57:44 AM
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