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Member Since 3/2/2006 12:01:59 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
C++ Object destruction The problem I'm running into is that objects known about their own destruction before anything else, but I can not seem to find a way to delete them internally. Is there a clean way for an object in C++ to delete itself? At the moment I just set t... 
Posted December 4, 2007 11:38:25 PM
'how to' Stick moving objects to mesh? The problem I'm having is trying to find a more efficient way of sticking objects, in this case units to a mesh(the terrain). At the moment I use D3DXInteresect using the units location and then I just point the ray straight down and take the hit... 
Posted June 16, 2007 5:48:39 PM
First 3D Engine(Now with source code) This is the first 3D engine I've ever put my hand into making, so any thoughts you guys might have on it would be really really helpful. This is not a game, the units, and terrain are simply there to test the engine. A few things about it. -... 
Posted January 1, 2007 11:57:28 PM
single method to load both animated and non animated meshes? At the moment I am using a seperate method for loading the two different kinds of meshes, the non animated ones use D3DXLoadMeshFromX, and the animated ones use D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromX. I coded the first one myself and understand it... 
Posted November 28, 2006 9:28:20 AM
Simple terrain collision and terrain texture smoothing I don’t suppose anyone could direct me to a simple tutorial for either of these? I've looked around, but I'm just not quite sure exactly what to look for. For the collision just need a basic bounding box on my dynamic models at the moment, but t... 
Posted May 22, 2006 4:47:17 PM
Direct3D Animation Help Please (Warning: First time poster) I've been building a small 3D graphics engine for a while to gain some experience with C++, Winsock2, Window's windows (if that makes any sense ><), and DirectX. So far I've built two applications with what I've... 
Posted March 2, 2006 1:03:08 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Early RTS prototype This will give you a location on a mesh surface if you're using direct3D, I hope it helps. Your terrain looks really nice BTW. Sorry that its not better documented. D3DXVECTOR3 position; //m_rayOrigin would normally be your camera locat... 
Posted August 21, 2007 2:17:13 PM
Feedback on casual RTS Ouch, X800 or higher? I've been working on a much more complex version of what it sounds like you're working on, and would love to try it out. Unfortunatly my video card is only a Radeon 9600. Could you make the shading in the game opt... 
Posted July 7, 2007 6:40:34 PM
Heightmap + Collision detection. I've been trying to find a way to allow me to move many units over a height map, but ray tracing the mesh became way to expensive with as many units as I have, and someone thankfully directed me to this thread. There were a few different ways I sa... 
Posted June 21, 2007 3:00:02 AM
Concering Client/Server Interaction Should CServerMap carry a copy of which players are there on it's map or have like a simplified version(x, y and id) of the players? Your networking is going to have to keep track of each connection anyways, so you might as well match up a co... 
Posted June 18, 2007 3:22:25 PM
'how to' Stick moving objects to mesh? Oh man thanks a ton, now thats an interesting read. I'll see what I can do with that. I'm pretty certain that'll be fine since I've already been using prediction on most frames anyways, I just needed something thats more efficient that D3DXInter... 
Posted June 17, 2007 5:20:04 AM
'how to' Stick moving objects to mesh? It is in a sense just a height map, since the z and x points are equally spaced. But since the units can fall into positions that are not directly above vertices on the mesh, there is no exact corresponding point to take. Is it common in game en... 
Posted June 16, 2007 8:26:41 PM
Concering Client/Server Interaction If you want the work to be done on the server, it'll be almost the same code as is on the client side(for the hit detection). you'll still have to have all of the map information(maybe the projectile hit a wall before it got to the player)... 
Posted June 16, 2007 6:48:45 PM
'how to' Stick moving objects to mesh? What if its between several x/z points, that are themselves at different y values? Pretend this is looking straight down from above the unit:    *<- 3, 8, 4    u <- unit location? *   &... 
Posted June 16, 2007 6:31:34 PM
what is the secret of rendering a large number of identical objects I just wanted to say that I'm also very curious about how to render a very large number of identical objects in a single scene. At the moment I'm stuck at about 5-10fps with 20k 209 poly models using an amd xp 2800+ w/radeon 9600. I'm currently using... 
Posted January 28, 2007 1:13:50 AM
First 3D Engine(Now with source code) Ya, this isn't only my first 3d engine, its about the first anything I've done programming above making a dynamic array and using templates... Ya thats the max they teach at my local community college(and I wont be going to ASU until next semest... 
Posted January 5, 2007 12:05:26 PM
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