Hybrid FocusesWe have delved into the primary focuses in today's games but games often mix focuses to provide more things to keep the players attention on. One of the most successful mixes has definitely been the Real Time Strategy (RTS) genre. The RTS genre is usually a mixed blend of growth focus with system focus. In Starcraft the primary focus is definitely on growth, the players most vital concerns are on building their army and defenses, without these the player will have no chance at the game. There is however a fair amount of gameplay involved in the strategy of when to deploy units to fight, how many to deploy, when to retreat, and how the player can quickly create and direct their units. This most certainly adds a system focus to the game that is non-trivial. When mixing focuses of gameplay one has to think of how the player will make the transition between them, and in a audience targeting sense, it is crucial to understand if you are creating a game that going to become more difficult to play.