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There's another interesting thing about this technique.

Let's say that rather than having one globally shared table, we give each bot in the world it's own table - and this table starts with one row/column, for the node the bot is currently at.

Now, we add all the nodes that the bot can 'see,' using the propagation method described earlier. So our bot has a limited knowledge of the world; it can traverse the part of the graph that it 'knows' about.

We're about to need another table. I'll call this a 'magnitude' table - it's a table of the number of connections each node in the network has. For the network we've been using throughout this article:

It looks like this:


So, how does this help us? Well, our bot can take any given node in his 'view' of the network, and compare its magnitude to the value in the table. If his value is smaller than the 'global' value, (we'll call it the 'optimum magnitude'), then it means he hasn't fully 'explored' that node yet - there are routes beyond that node that he doesn't know about yet.

So, let's give our bot a new type of idle behaviour - 'explore.' He can do it when he has no achievable goal. When exploring, what he does is to pick a nearby node with a less-than-optimum magnitude, and go to it. When he reaches it, he should be able to see other routes, thus increasing his magnitude for that node until it becomes optimum.

This behaviour could be linked to other ideas - for example, he could be instructed to stay within a certain radius of a point, or within the line of sight of a given node. It could be linked to a more complex idea: for example - the bot finds a trail of blood on the floor, increasing the probability of nearby nodes being explored relative to other nodes ('investigation'). Maybe he sees a sign saying 'danger,' which decreases the probability of nearby nodes being explored ('caution'). Simply adding a probability system to the node-picking code can be immensely powerful.

It would also not be too difficult to implement 'forgetfulness.' Simply: every now and then, pick a route in the bot's view of the network (preferably one far away), and remove it. If you'd prefer, maybe add a non-existent route (although that would mean you'd have to take care of situations where the node's magnitude is actually greater than the optimum).

It can be a pretty powerful behaviour. Linking it into other parts of the AI - for example, scripted sequences - could produce some impressive effects. Right now, I'm getting the image of watching a group of soldiers in explore mode, finding and opening the door to a room with an extremely large monster in, screaming, and running away. Woo!

What are the problems with this technique? The first, and most obvious one, is that of memory usage. With a large network, keeping a path table for each bot in the world will often be totally unfeasible. The optimisation I'd probably go for is to try and find ways to group the bots into 'squads,' and have each squad share a path table. Bear in mind, though, that very often a bot won't get round to exploring an entire network - they might be constrained to specific area, either by artificial constraints ('stay within radius' rules), or by their part of the network simply being isolated with no entry/exit routes (for example, in a set of rooms which the player reaches through the ventilation ducts).

If there are no constraints, then the tables could get quite large. However, the only time I could see a bot having no constraints would be if the bot were a 'principal character' of some sort - and you don't tend to have many of them, so the problem solves itself.

Progressive nets and subnets

Another problem people emailed me about was using networks over large worlds. Not necessarily large networks; just networks which needed to cover large distances. Particularly over open terrain (Delta Force type worlds).

I think I have a solution which will help some people out. It also applies to some other situations too; large worlds with many enclosed spaces, for example.

Here we go: split nodes into 'levels.' That is, have a top level (level 0) which contains a 'general' set of nodes - nodes which cover most of the world, but are very coarse. The routes between them are like Interstate roads.

Into the next level, you put nodes which, while not totally in-depth, are more detailed than the Level 0 nodes. These are like your main roads. What's more, you give each Level 1 node a list of 'parent' Level 0 nodes. If you had an area of the world enclosed by routes between 4 Level 0 nodes, the Level 1 nodes inside the enclosure would have the 4 Level 0 nodes as parents. The Level 0 nodes, in return, keep lists of all Level 1 nodes which have them as parents. This means that you can take any given Level 0 node, and load into memory all 'nearby' Level 1 nodes.

This goes on for as many levels as you want (is 'progressive'), right until you're down to the small routes which are like people's driveways. Each level (excluding Level 0 and the smallest level) has lists of both parent and child nodes. So, from anywhere in the world, you can follow a node back to the 'interstate,' use the Level 0 nodes to get near to your destination, and then progressively use smaller and smaller levels to get closer and closer to your destination.

There are routes between nodes in any given level and the nodes in the level above - Level 1 is 'anchored' to Level 0 by such routes. So, only Level 0 is a complete network (in that of its routes and nodes are a part of it), unlike the other Levels which have dependencies on their parent levels.

This concept of Levels or 'sub-networks' can be extremely useful. Imagine a world containing many buildings which can be explored. The nodes in each building can be grouped into a subnet, and only loaded when the building is actually being traversed, saving large amounts of memory.

Echoes of the Past

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